VTU Non-Credit Courses Mandatory For BE

VTU Non-Credit Courses Mandatory for BE for completion of course and award of degree.

VTU Non-Credit Courses Mandatory for BE

The following is brought to the notice all the concerned.

1. The B.E./ B.Tech.- Lateral Entry student admitted during the academic year 2018-19 are governed by 2017 CBCS regulations.

2. 2017-18 : VTU Regulations Governing the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering/ Technology (B.E/B.Tech) Under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) have been uploaded on VTU website and available for reference and necessary action to the all the concerned durin& 2017-18 only.


However , a few students and Principals are seeking clarifications on the Mandatory non- credit Courses to be studied and passed by 2018-19 - lateral entry students and also w.r.t. filing examinations application forms.

Hence, all the concerned are hereby informed to refer the 1708 11.3 of the 2017-18:

VTU CBCS B.E/ B.Tech Regulations, which is reproduced as follows:

170B 11.3       a. All students admitted to I semester and to Ill semester under late:ral entry scheme to B.E./ B.Tech. programme have to undergo the Mandatory non- credit Courses viz., Environmental Studies and English Language. However these Courses shall not be considered for the Eligibility criterion prescribed for promotion , award of Class, calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
b. The Courses viz., Advanced Mathematics I and II, to be completed by the candidates (diploma holders) admitted to Ill semester under lateral entry scheme shall not be considered for the eligibility criterion prescribed for promotion , award of Class, calculation of SGPA and CGPA. However, a pass in the above Courses ia mandatory for the completion of the programme and award of degree.
c. The Courses Viz., (i) Computer Aided Engineering Drawing (ii) Programming in C and Data structure and (iii) Environmental Studies (if not studied at B.Sc. level). to be completed by the candidates who have passed B.Sc. degree and admitted to III semester of the programme, shall not be considered for the award of Class, calculation of SGPA and CGPA. However, a pass in the above Courses is mandatory for the completion of the programme and award of degree