Updated on 6th June 2020
VTU Affiliation of Colleges By Online Visit
Affiliation Process for VTU affiliated engineering colleges for the year 2020-2021, was started in the month of March 2020. Inspection of few engineering colleges of Belagavi and Kalaburagi Regions have been completed by the various Local Inquiry Committees constituted by VTU.Due to outbreak of COYID-19 Pandemic and subsequent national lockdown announced by March 24, 2020, the inspection of remaining colleges was stalled.
Considering the exigency and extra ordinary situation under these circumstances the AICTE, New Delhi in its 133rd Emergent meeting held on 27-04-2020, approved the new calendar of events for affiliation related activities and extended the date to complete the affiliation process by 30th June 2020.
The Executive Council in its 151st meeting has resolved to conduct online inspection of the remaining colleges for grant of temporary affiliation for the academic year 2020-2021. The colleges who have applied for Permanent Affiliation, will be considered later. However, these colleges also will be inspected for Temporary Affiliation now.
Accordingly, the online LIC visit/evaluation have been scheduled from 8th June 2020 onwards. The details of the online visit and the documentation required is enclosed herewith. The details are also available on www.vtu.ac.in.The details of the visit will be shared with the colleges by the Member Convenor of LIC, two days ahead of the visit. In case any doubts/ clarification please email to so.academic.vtu@gmail.com.
Guidelines to the college for Online LIC Visit
1. LlC visit would be through CISCO WEBEX.
- Online LIC Visit is to inspect and grant Temporary Affiliation/ Closure of Course/ Reduction of Intake only.
- Grant of Permanent Affiliation/ Increase in Intake/ Starting of New Course will not be considered through Online LIC Visit.
- For those who have applied for grant of permanent affiliation would be awarded temporary affiliation as of now.
- Ratification for the A.Y. 2019-20 will be considered through Online LIC Visit.
- Inspection for Continuation of Research Centre and New Research Centre will be done through Online LIC Visit.
2. Chairman, Members, Member Convenor, Principal and HOD's, Deans of the College (with one additional login for Campus Tour) will login from their respective places.
3. Member Convenor will co-ordinate the Online Visit/Meeting.
4. Outline of Typical LIC Online Visit
- Presentation by Principal should include photos/ videos of Labs/ Buildings/ Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff, Digital intervention details, Salary disbursement, CIE, etc.
- Document verifications of various Programmes and Research Centres as per Checklist. (Documents mentioned in the Checklist should be scanned and kept ready as a single PDF and these can be verified with Screen Sharing). Physical copies should also be ready.
- "Verification of List of documents (Annexure 2 and Annexure 2) to be placed before LIC" - No need to scan these.
- Faculty/ Staff Members may be called for Verification
- A College Staff (any Technical Person) should be logged into the meeting with a mobile and he may be asked for a Campus Tour.
- Exit Meet.
1. A Management Representative should be compulsorily present during Online LIC Visit.
2. Annexure 1 & 2 to be dispatched to Regional Offices of VTU before the LIC visit.
3. In the online affiliation portal(www.affiliation.vtu.ac.in) Local Inquiry committee reports both for college as well as research centre are to be printed, signed and sent to VTU(both scanned copy and hard copy)
4. All scanned copies related to LIC should be sent to academic.vtu@gmail.com
5. The contents of Checklist, Annexure 1 and Annexure 2 are updated on www.vtu.ac.in
Check List
(Copies to be scanned as single pdf and sent to VTU and also to be presented during online LIC visit)
1. 2(f) Status of UGC
2. Proof, if applied for 2(f)
3. NBA status 4. Proof , if applied for NBA
5. NAAC status
6. Proof , if applied for NAAC
7. Original Appointment letter of Principal
8. Joining letter of Principal
9. Acquittance Register 10. Service (C & R) Rules
11. Proof of Pay Scale to Faculty as per AICTE norms 12. DA to Faculty
13. Proof of Pay Scale to Staff 14. DA to Staff 15. Form-16 of Employees
16. Anti-ragging committee
17. Anti-Sexual Harassment committee/College Internal Complaint committee
18. Youth Red Cross Unit
19. SC/ST/OBC Cell
20. SC/ST/Other Scholarship dispersal Register
21. NSS and NCC Units 22. Grievance Redressal cell
23. Details of Faculty attended for Valuation duty (Furnish details individual faculty for last two years)
24. Student feedback mechanism
25. Students counseling cell
26. Innovation Club
27. Green campus initiatives
28. Any Best practices adopted by the Institution
List of Documents to be kept ready for online LIC visit
1. AICTE Continuation/ Extension Approval Letters.
2. VTU Continuation/ Extension Approval Letters.
3. Accreditation Letters
4. Land records in original copy
5. Building Plan and occupancy certificate
6. Fire Safety Certificate
7. Approved Budget
8. Balance Sheet
9. Resolutions of Governing Council Meetings
10. Original Appointment letter of Principal
11. Original Appointment letter of Faculty
12. Original Appointment letter of Staff
13. Joining letter of Principal, Faculty and Staff
14. Proceedings of Purchase Committee
15. Faculty Attendance Register
16. Student's Attendance Register
17. Lesson Plans
18. Lab Manuals
19. Lab Records
20. Blue Books
21. Internal Question Papers and Scheme of Evaluation
22. IA Marks submitted to University
23. Fee Registers
24. Faculty Personal files
25. Aquittance Register
26. Documents pertaining to Anti-ragging committee and Squad
27. Documents pertaining to Anti Sexual Harassment committee/College Internal Complaint committee
28. Documents pertaining to Grievance redressal cell
29. Service Rules
30. Any Legal Issues with AICTE and VTU
List of documents to be sent to VTU (in the form of Annexure-I)
1. AICTE Approval Letters
2. VTU Affiliation Notifications 3. Accreditation Letters
4. Appointment order of Principal
5. Principal's Credentials(UG,PG,Ph.D. Certificates, Publications, Patents and, etc).
6. Copies of Minutes of Governing Council Meeting held during last Academic year
7. Balance Sheet for Previous 3 years
8. Audit report of Last Financial year
9. Budget for the current financial year
10. Copy of Previous 3 months Aquittance Register
11. Department wise Laboratory details in the format
12. Departments wise and Program wise (UG/PG separately) Faculty details
13. Departments wise Non -Teaching Staff details
14. Details of administrative Staff
15. Details of Grants received
List of documents to be sent to VTU (in the form of Annexure-II)
The following Documents (self attested and attested by HoD/Principal) of each teaching faculty (including Principal) need to be compiled as an Annexure:
1. UG Degree Certificate
2. PG Degree Certificate
3. Ph.D Degree Certificate(if Any)
4. Appointment Letter
5. Joining Letter
6. Re-appointment Letter(With different Designation)(If Any)
7. Promotion(CAS) Proceedings (If Any)
8. Past Experience Letters(If Any) Annexure - II should have an index in this format :