Latest Update on 6th Nov 2020
VTU College reopen on 17th November 2020 as per Dr.Ashwathnarayan C.N 's tweet on 23rd Oct 2020. Dr.Ashwathnarayan C.N is the deputy Chief Minister of Karnataka.
Important Note: VTU has not issued any official Notification regarding VTU College reopen date.
VTU College Reopen Details
A meeting was held on 23rd Oct 2020 to start graduate colleges in the state. Discussions were held with the Minister of Higher Education and senior officials of the department and information was taken on the precautionary measures taken by the department. Graduate colleges will be allowed to start from November 17.
UGC Guidelines for Reopening Colleges issued today. Universities and Colleges to reopen in a phased manner. However, UGC does not mention the exact date of reopening of universities or colleges. For now only guidelines are provided. Furthermore, VTU has not issued any official Notification regarding VTU College reopen date. I guess we just have to wait and watch.
1.When will vtu colleges reopen in Karnataka?
Colleges in Karnataka will reopen for classes from 17th November 2020 as per Dr.Ashwathnarayan C.N 's tweet.
2. Are there any VTU guidelines with regard to reopening of colleges?
As of date VTU has not issued any guidelines in this regard.
3. How are the classes going to be held if the college reopens after lockdown?
The classes will be held in blended manner with the option of attending classes either in-person or through online classes.
3rd May 2020
VTU Colleges likely to reopen from 1st June 2020 as per VTU Official circular. Classroom sessions would commence from 1st June 2020 followed by examinations.VTU announcement on college reopening for students is tentative given the current COVID-19 lockdown situation. Colleges reopening would depend on COVID-19 situation and other factors on that date. However, the some of the teaching and nonteaching staff are required to attend college from 4th May 2020. Furthermore, VTU has given a set of important points to be followed by the colleges during COVID-19 Lockdown.
Points to be noted during COVID-19 Lockdown
As per the direction of Hon'ble Vice Chancellor and above references, following points arc being brought to the attention of all the Principals/Directors of Constituent, Affiliated and Autonomous Engineering colleges, Schools of Arch. and chair persons of PG Depts under VTU.
1.All the Principals/Directors, Deans,HoDs/ Chairpersons,l/3rd of the Teaching staff and l/3rd of the non-teaching staff(by rotation) will have to report back to the institute and start functioning with effect from 4th May 2020 by following standard operating protocol ( SOP) issued by MoHFW. In case of exigencies, the Institutes should take arpropriate decision in this regard.Colleges should arrange for the duty passes from the Govt. authorities (if required).
2.The teaching staff are required to review the online sessions done so far and also, required to continue the same up to 31st May.
3.Faculty must maintain a substantive contact with students. Even after posting the lecture material online, faculty members need to maintain communication with the students and dicuss course material with them on a regular basis.
4.Ihey should attempt to reach 100% of the students through various online or telemodes.
5.Demo videos of lab(Recorded visuals of laboratory experiments) Sessions be prepared and uploaded to the college website for the students, so that they could be prepared for practical examinations.Also,a library of e-content and lecture resources (notes) make available on college website, for each Semester, course wise.
6.Colleges must collect and maintain the stay and travel history of all the employees during the COVID-19 Lockdown period (from 23rd March to 3rd May).
7.The Academic and Examination calendar will be released shortly by the university, based on UGC guidelines and Directions from Govt. of Karnataka.
8.Final year project work, involving lab. Investigations/ field work/ fabrication work etc, may be finalized on the basis of secondary data,design details etc. The institutes are advised to evaluate the Internal marks of the final year project using skype or other meeting applications. The students may be advised to keep the soft copy of the report ready.
9.The colleges are required to follow all the precautionary measures to ensure safe and proper social distancing in the campuses and preventive measures to curb the spread of Covid-19.
Additional precautions to be followed are as under
•All the teaching and non-teaching staff should wear the masks compulsorily (face cover) during working hours and during travel from home to office and back.
•Before entering into the college and office premises, everyone should be checked for the body temperature using a infrared thermometer.
•Hand sanitizer should be kept in the laboratories, staff rooms and office room.
•Plan to spray the offices and the classrooms with safe chemical disinfectants / fumigation.
•Colleges shall arrange for general health checkup of all the faculty and staff.
•Persons above 65 years of age, pesons with co-morbidities, pregnant women shall work from home except for meeting essential requirements.
10.Colleges are directed to instruct the teachers about the classroom interventions followed by examinations when the students are back to the campus. Tentatively, classroom sessions followed by examinations would commence from 1st June 2020
Above all points must be compulsorily followed by the Constituent, Affiliated, Autonomous Engineering Colleges, Schools of Arch and PG Depts under VTU, MHA order is enclosed herewith for strict adherence.