VTU Online Question Paper Delivery System | QPDS

Updated On Thu, February 18, 2021

VTU Online Question Paper Delivery System (QPDS)

Updated:30th July 2020


VTU Online Question Paper Delivery System (QPDS) Update

VTU releases notification with regard to the VTU QPDS (Question Paper Delivery System). Some of the colleges are informing that, they have changed the IP address used for the purpose of online Question paper delivery System. Hence, the Principals of affiliated and constituent engineering colleges are requested to fumish the following information in case if there is any change in IP address or change of Computer or both:


Details for QPDS

1.A letter from the service provider confirming that the IP address (submitted to the university for the purpose of VPN) is issued to the Principal of respective institution. Such letter issued by the service provider has to be scanned and sent to vpn@vtu.ac.in

2.The college has to provide MAC id of the computer and the procedure for the same is as follows:

  • Visit prexam.vtu.ac.in/prexam.blr.vtu.ac.in,
  • login using principal login credentials.
  • Download the application to find Macid of the machines which is to be used for QPDS.
  • Open link to register MACID , copy the macid displayed by running the downloaded application (vtu.exe) and paste the same in the form and submit. Up to three different MACID's can be registered.

Note: The application is available from 04.08.2020.


Download Official VTU Circular on Question Paper Delivery System (QPDS)


Updated:30th Nov 2018

The new web interface and other procedures for VTU question paper delivery system for Dec. 2018/ Jan 2019 examinations are changed and the details are as follows:

Prerequisites: Colleges must have registered the names of Chief Superintendant(CS) in http://csdcs.vtu.ac.in.
The regional offices should appoint the external Deputy Chief Superintendent (DCS) and make corresponding entry in http://csdcs.vtu.ac.in.
NOTE: If this is not done the colleges cannot login to the question paper delivery system and question papers will not be available.

The question papers will be delivered through the web interface.

URL: https://qpds.vtu.ac.in

Login: The colleges need to login to the system through the credentials of the CS and DCS-External. The credentials are the faculty id and secret code of the corresponding faculty, as registered in VTU portal and used for lA marks entry and other systems

Communication: The information necessary to access the question papers will be communicated to CS and DCS (External) through the registered mobile. The CS and DCS need to communicate to VTU through these mobiles only. If there is a change in the mobile number used •by faculty it needs to be updated in the VTU portal on prioirity

Process Flow:

1. Visit https://qpds.vtu.ac.in
2. Login using the credentials of CS and DCS-external as described above.
3. The question papers indented by the college through application form entry will be available for download after the same is enabled from VTU.
4. The College should download the question papers and print the same using the information shared on the mobiles of CS and DCS-external.
5. The discrepancies if any regarding the question papers in the session can be brought to the notice ofVTU by the web interface provided in the dashboard.


Trial run of question paper delivery system will be on 1st December 2018 at 11.30 a.m. (during the trial run only Chief Superintendent Login is sufficient)

Verification of delivered question papers:

Please note: verify the delivered question paper for "VTU uploading time" in the form of water mark on top  and "College code downloading time" in the form of water mark at bottom.
Report immediately if the water marks are not visible.


Download official VTU QPDS Circular