VTU has released the VTU e-learning tutorials for students to utilize their time during the holidays. There are totally 218 different e learning courses each of which is grouped under its corresponding engineering branch.VTU E learning tutorials is useful to students to improve their knowledge in a subject of their interest. Below is the list of vtu e learning tutorials available.
Sl No. | Disciplines | Courses | URL |
1 | Automobile Engineering |
Theory and Design of Automotive Engines |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/AU/10AU61/index.php |
2 | Basic Courses | Basic Electronics | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/BS/15ELN25/index.php |
3 | Basic Electrical Engineering | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/web/BS/15ELE25/index.php | |
4 | Engineering Physics Lab | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/BS/14PHY17/index.php | |
5 | Engineering Chemistry Lab | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/BS/14CHE17/index.php | |
6 | Welding Practice | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/BS/15WSL16/index.php | |
7 | Programming in C and Data Structures | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/BS/15PCD23/index.php | |
8 | Computer Concepts and C Programming | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/BS/06CCP13/index.php | |
9 | Basic Electronics – 18ELN24 | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/web/BS/18ELN24/index.php | |
10 | Computer Concepts and C Programming Lab |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/BS/14CPL16/index.php | |
11 | Elements of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/BS/CIV1323/index.php | |
12 | Physics | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/BS/122107035/index.php | |
13 | Basic Electronics (Web) | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/web/BS/15ELN25/index.php | |
14 | Basic Electrical Engineering (Web) | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/web/BS/15ELE25/index.php | |
15 | Programming in C and Data Structures (Web) |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/web/BS/15PCD23/index.php | |
16 | Biotechnology | Clinical Biotechnology | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/BT/06BT62/index.php |
17 | Food Biotechnology | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/BT/06BT74/index.php | |
18 | Human Physiology | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/BT/10BT33/index.php | |
19 | Structural Biology | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/BT/10BT43/index.php | |
20 | Bioprocess Principles and Calculations |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/BT/10BT46/index.php | |
21 | Genetic Engineering & Application | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/BT/06BT55/index.php | |
22 | Civil Engineering | Geotechnical Engineering - I | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CV/06CV54/index.php |
23 | Geotechnical Engineering - II | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CV/06CV64/index.php | |
24 | Design of Steel Structures | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CV/06CV72/index.php | |
25 | Fluid Mechanics | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CV/10CV35/index.php | |
26 | Concrete Technology | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CV/10CV42/index.php | |
27 | Design of RCC Structural Elements | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CV/10CV52/index.php | |
28 | Fluid Mechanics | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CV/15CV33/index.php | |
29 | Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CV/06CV834/index.php | |
30 | Advanced Concrete Technology | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CV/06CV81/index.php | |
31 | Strength of Materials | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CV/15CV32/index.php | |
32 | Basic Geotechnical Engineering | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CV/15CV45/index.php | |
33 | Fluid Mechanics | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CV/15CV33/index.php | |
34 | Structural Analysis -II | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CV/CV51/index.php | |
35 | Design and Drawing of RC Structures |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CV/CV61/index.php | |
36 | Strength of Materials (Web) | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/web/CV/15CV32/index.php | |
37 | Basic Geotechnical Engineering (Web) |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/Web/CV/15CV45/index.php | |
38 | Fluid Mechanics (Web) | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/Web/CV/15CV33/index.php | |
39 | Solid Dynamics | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/CV/105101005/index.php | |
40 | Ground Water Hydrology | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/CV/105105042/index.php | |
41 | Probability Methods in Civil Engineering |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/CV/105105045/index.php | |
42 | Fluid Mechanics | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CV/10CV35/index.php | |
43 | Structural Analysis II | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CV/CV51/index.php | |
44 | Strength of Materials – 18CV32 Web |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/web/CV/18CV32/index.php | |
45 | Applied Hydraulics 17CV43 - Web | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/web/CV/17CV43/index.php | |
46 | Geotechnical Measurements & Explorations |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/CV/105104131/index.php | |
47 | CSE | Data Structure With C | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CSE/06CS35/index.php |
48 | Graph Theory & Combinatronics | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CSE/06CS42/index.php | |
49 | Analysis and Design of Algorithms | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CSE/06CS43/index.php | |
50 | Computer Organization | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CSE/06CS46/index.php | |
51 | System Software | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CSE/06CS51/index.php | |
52 | Compiler Design | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CSE/06CS63/index.php | |
53 | Computer Graphics & Visualization |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CSE/06CS65/index.php | |
54 | Programming the web | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CSE/06CS73/index.php | |
55 | Advanced Computer Architectures | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CSE/06CS81/index.php | |
56 | Software Architecture | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CSE/06IS72/index.php | |
57 | Logic Design | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CSE/10CS33/index.php | |
58 | Database Management System | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CSE/10CS54/index.php | |
59 | Computer Networks - II | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CSE/10CS64/index.php | |
60 | Analog & Digital Electronics | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CSE/15CS32/index.php | |
61 | Introduction to Linux Operating System |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CSE/Linux-NA/index.php | |
62 | Network Programming Lab | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CSE/Network%20Programming/index.php | |
63 | Software Testing | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CSE/06IS81/index.php | |
64 | Information and Network Security | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CSE/06CS835/index.php | |
65 | Object Oriented Modeling and Design |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CSE/06CSIS71/index.php | |
66 | Microprocessors & Microcontrollers |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CSE/15CS44/index.php | |
67 | Discrete Mathematical Structure | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CSE/10MCA12/index.php | |
68 | Software Engineering | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/web/CSE/15CS42/index.php | |
69 | Automata Theory and Computability |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CSE/15CS54/index.php | |
70 | Biometrics | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/CSE/106104119/index.php | |
71 | Computational Geometry | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/CSE/106102011/index.php | |
72 | Design Verification and Test of Digital VLSI Circuits |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/CSE/106103116/index.php | |
73 | Fundamentals of Database Systems | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/CSE/106104135/index.php | |
74 | Cryptography and Network Security |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/CSE/106105031/index.php | |
75 | Low Power VLSI Circuits & Systems |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/CSE/106105034/index.php | |
76 | Real Time Systems | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/CSE/106105036/index.php | |
77 | High Performance Computing | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/CSE/106108055/index.php | |
78 | Performance Evaluation of Computer Systems |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/CSE/106106048/index.php | |
79 | Compiler Design | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/CSE/106108052/index.php | |
80 | Graph Theory | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/CSE/106108054/index.php | |
81 | Computer Networks | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CSE/CS64/index.php | |
82 | Finite Automata and Formal Languages |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CSE/CS44/index.php | |
83 | Unix and Shell Programming | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CSE/CS36/index.php | |
84 | Analog and Digital Electronics Laboratory |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CSE/15CSL37/index.php | |
85 | Data Structures and Applications Laboratory |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CSE/15CSL38/index.php | |
86 | Formal Languages and Automata Theory |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/106106049/index.php | |
87 | Computer Architecture | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/CSE/106106134/index.php | |
88 | Numerical Optimization | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/CSE/106108056/index.php | |
89 | Design Verification and Test of Digital VLSI Designs |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/CSE/106103116/index.php | |
90 | Discrete Mathematical Structures | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CSE/10MCA12/index.php | |
91 | Software Engineering | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CSE/15CS42/index.php | |
92 | Advanced Java and J2EE - 17CS553 - Web |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/web/CSE/17CS553/index.php | |
93 | Software Engineering (Web) | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/web/CSE/15CS42/index.php | |
94 | Automata Theory and Computability (web) |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CSE/15CS54/index.php | |
95 | Microprocessors & Microcontrollers (Web) |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/CSE/15CS44/index.php | |
96 | Analog & Digital Electronics (Web) | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/Web/CSE/15CS32/index.php | |
97 | EEE | Modern Control Theory | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/EEE/06EE51/index.php |
98 | Electrical Machine Design | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/EEE/06EE63/index.php | |
99 | Power System and Operational Control |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/EEE/06EE82/index.php | |
100 | Micro Controllers | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/EEE/06ES42/index.php | |
101 | Field Theory | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/EEE/10EE44%20-p20/index.php | |
102 | DC Machines and Synchronous Machines |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/EEE/10EE54/index.php |
103 |
Analog Electric Circuits | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/EEE/AEC/index.php | |
104 | Electric Circuit Analysis | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/Web/EEE/15EE32/index.php | |
105 | Computer Aided Electrical Drawing |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/EEE/10EE65/index.php | |
106 | Electric and Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/EEE/10EE55/index.php | |
107 | Analog Electric Circuits | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/EEE/AEC/index.php | |
108 | Computer Techniques in Power Systems | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/EEE/EE72/index.php | |
109 | Power System Analysis and Stability |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/EEE/EE61/index.php | |
110 | Power System Dynamics and Control |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/EEE/108101004/index.php | |
111 | Advanced Control Systems | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/EEE/108103007/index.php | |
112 | An Introduction to Electronics Systems Packaging |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/EEE/108108031/index.php | |
113 | Control Systems 17EE61 - Web | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/web/EEE/17EE61/index.php | |
114 | High Voltage DC Transmission | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/EEE/108104013/index.php | |
115 | Electric Circuit Analysis (Web) | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/Web/EEE/15EE32/index.php | |
116 | ECE | Signals and Systems | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ECE/06EC44/index.php |
117 | Analog Electronics Lab | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ECE/Analog_Electronics_Lab/index.php | |
118 | Logic Design Lab | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ECE/10ESL38/index.php | |
119 | Digital Signal Processing | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ECE/06EC52/index.php | |
120 | Fundamentals of CMOS VLSI | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ECE/06EC56/index.php | |
121 | Antenna and Propagation | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ECE/06EC64/index.php | |
122 | Analog Electronic Circuits | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ECE/06ES32/index.php | |
123 | CMOS VLSI Design | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ECE/08VLS11/index.php | |
124 | Analog Communication | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ECE/10EC53/index.php | |
125 | Micro Electronic Circuit | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ECE/10EC63/index.php | |
126 | Digital Image Processing | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ECE/10ML74/index.php | |
127 | Analog Electronics | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ECE/15EC32/index.php | |
128 | Electrical Circuit Analysis | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/EEE/15EE32/index.php | |
129 | Digital Image Processing | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ECE/10ML74/index.php | |
130 | DSP Algorithm and Architecture | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ECE/06EC74/index.php | |
131 | Network Analysis | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ECE/15EC34/index.php | |
132 | Analog Electronics | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ECE/15EC32/index.php | |
133 | Digital System Design VHDL | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ECE/06EC667/index.php | |
134 | Analog and Mixed Mode VLSI Design |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ECE/06EC63/index.php | |
135 | Digital Communications Theory | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ECE/EC61/index.php | |
136 | Power Electronics | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ECE/EC42/index.php | |
137 | Digital Switching | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/ECE/117104104/index.php | |
138 | Embedded Software Testing | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/ECE/117106112/index.php | |
139 | Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/ECE/117108048/index.php | |
140 | Error Correcting Codes | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/ECE/117108044/index.php | |
141 | Advanced 3G and 4G Wireless Communication |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/ECE/117104099/index.php | |
142 | Digital Image Processing | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ECE/10ML74/index.php | |
143 | Digital Signal Processing | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ECE/06EC52/index.php | |
144 | Electronic Devices 18EC33 - Web | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/web/ECE/18EC33/index.php | |
145 | Network Analysis (Web) | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/Web/ECE/15EC34/index.php | |
146 | CMOS VLSI Design (Web) | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/web/ECE/08LVS11/index.php | |
147 | Fundamentals of CMOS VLSI (Web) |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/web/ECE/06EC56/index.php | |
148 | Analog Electronics Circuits (Web) | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/Web/ECE/15EC32/index.php | |
149 | Micro Electronic Circuits (Web) | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/Web/ECE/10EC63/index.php | |
150 | Power Electronics | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ECE/EC42/index.php | |
151 | Analog Electronics (Web) | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/Web/ECE/15EC32/index.php | |
152 | IAE | Programmable Logic Circuits | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/IAE/11IAE13/index.php |
153 | IPIM | Supply Chain Management | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/IPIM/06IPIM71/index.php |
154 | Operations Management | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/IPIM/06IPIM73/index.php | |
155 | Operations Research | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/IPIM/06IPIM74/index.php | |
156 | Quality Assurance and Reliability | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/IPIM/06IPIM65/index.php | |
157 | IT | Process Control | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/IT/06IT64/index.php |
158 | 8086 Microprocessor and Peripherals |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/IT/06ITBM52/index.php | |
159 | MGT | Financial Management | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/MBA/14MBA22/index.php |
160 | Quantitative Methods - II | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/MBA/12MBA22/index.php | |
161 | Quantitative Techniques | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/MBA/QT/index.php | |
162 | Information Technology for Managers |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/MBA/12MBA15/index.php | |
163 | Statistics for Management | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/MBA/MBA23/index.php | |
164 | Organization Management | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/MBA/110102016/index.php | |
165 | Six Sigma | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/MBA/110105039/index.php | |
166 | International Finance | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/MBA/110105057/index.php | |
167 | Strategic Management - The Competative Edge |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/MBA/110108047/index.php | |
168 | MATHS | Engineering Mathematics-4 | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/maths/06MAT41/index.php |
169 | Engineering Mathematics-4 | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/maths/10MAT41/index.php | |
170 | Engineering Maths - IV | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/maths/15MAT41/index.php | |
171 | Engineering Mathematics-III | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/maths/MATHS-III/index.php | |
172 | Advanced Mathematics-II | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/maths/MATDIP401-20/index.php | |
173 | Advanced Mathematics-II | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/maths/MATDIP401/index.php | |
174 | Engineering Mathematics-II | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/maths/15MAT21/index.php | |
175 | Engineering Mathematics-II | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/maths/17MAT21/index.php | |
176 | Complex Analysis | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/Maths/111103070/index.php | |
177 | Applied Multivariate Analysis | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/Maths/111104024/index.php | |
178 | Calculus of Variations and Integral Equation |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/Maths/111104025/index.php | |
179 | Linear Programming and Its Extensions |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/Maths/111104027/index.php | |
180 | Discrete Mathematics | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/Maths/111107058/index.php | |
181 | Engineering Maths - IV (Web) | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/web/maths/15MAT41/index.php | |
182 | Advanced Calculus and Numerical methods 18MAT21 - Web |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/web/maths/18MAT21/index.php | |
183 | Transform Calculus, Fourier Series and Numerical Techniques 18MAT31 - Web |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/web/maths/18MAT31/index.php | |
184 | Engineering Mathematics-II (Web) | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/web/maths/17MAT21/index.php | |
185 | ME | Basic Thermodynamics | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ME/06ME33/index.php |
186 | Applied Thermodynamics | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ME/06ME43/index.php | |
187 | Fluid Mechanics | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ME/06ME46-B/index.php | |
188 | Turbo Machines | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ME/06ME55/index.php | |
189 | Design Of Machine Elements-II | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ME/06ME61/index.php | |
190 | Modeling And Finite Element Analysis |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ME/06ME63/index.php | |
191 | Mechanical Vibrations | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ME/06ME65/index.php | |
192 | Manufacturing Process - III | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ME/06ME73/index.php | |
193 | Mechanical Measurements And Metrology |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ME/10ME42B/index.php | |
194 | Dynamics Of Machines | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ME/10ME54/index.php | |
195 | Finite Element Methods | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ME/10ME64/index.php | |
196 | Applied Thermodynamics 17ME43 - Web |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/web/ME/17ME43/index.php | |
197 | Kinematics of Mechanics | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/ME/ME44/index.php | |
198 | Convective Heat and Mass Transfer |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/ME/112101002/index.php | |
199 | Cryogenic Engineering | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/ME/112101004/index.php 200. |
200 | Computer Aided Engineering Design |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/ME/112104031/index.php | |
201 | Physics of Materials | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/NPTEL/ME/113106039/index.php | |
202 | Fluid Mechanics | ||
203 | Design of Machine Elements – I 17ME54 - Web |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/web/ME/17ME54/index.php | |
204 | FEP | Mathematics - 2 | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/FEP/M2/index.php |
205 | Mechanics of Materials | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/FEP/MOM/index.php | |
206 | Signals and Systems | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/FEP/SS/index.php | |
207 | Power System Analysis | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/FEP/PSA/index.php | |
208 | Design and Analysis of Algorithms | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/FEP/ADA/index.php | |
209 | Strength of Materials | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/FEP/SOM/index.php | |
210 | Research Methodology and Thesis Writing using Latex |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/FEP/RML/index.php | |
211 | New NAAC Accreditation Process for Engineering Colleges (TEQIP 1.3) |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/FEP/NAAC/index.php | |
212 | Discrete Mathematical Structures | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/FEP/DMS/index.php | |
213 | CXO/IRP | Special Talk on Aerospace & Defence Domain? |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/IND/Specialtalk/ |
214 | What College didn't Teach Me? | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/IND/Interview/ | |
215 | Industry Experts Talk | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/IND/CXO/ | |
216 | Soft Skills by Glixcer Technologies - 01 |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/courses/IND/SoftSkills/ | |
217 | Career Counselling and Placement Training |
http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/web/CXO/PTC/ | |
218 | Placement and Training | http://nptel.vtu.ac.in/econtent/web/CXO/PTC-E3/index.php |
VTU Remote Learning from IIT Bombay Spoken Tutorials (ST)
Visvesvaraya Technological University in association with Spoken Tutorial Project (STP), IIT Bombay is recommending to engage the students by referring them to learn Spoken Tutorials Courses during the shutdown for 15 days due to CORONA viral outbreak
To Download the Tutorials: Click on below link
Then Click on ZIP File to Download the Material
Note: VTU Course Mapping- Department wise has been enclosed
Principals of all affiliated and constituent colleges of VTU are requested to bring the contents of this circular to the faculty member and students
S. No | Department-Course Code-Year | Subject Name | Spoken Tutorial Course without credit |
1 |
Bio lnformatics Engineering- PCC-18BTL47-VI Additional Software Skills
Genetic Engineering and Cell Culture Lab Project work Phase 2
Biopython(30hrs) Avogadro{30hrs) Cell
LaTeX (30hrs) Scilab (35hrs) Drupal (40hrs) PHPMySQL (30)
2 |
Biomedical Engineering PCC-18BML67- VI 18BM73X-VII PCC-18BML76-VII Additional Software Skills PROJECT- 18BM783 |
Java Programming Lab Biomedical Digital Signal Processing Lab Project work Phase 2 |
Java(30hrs) PHP & MySQL (30 hrs)
Drupal(40)hrs C&C++(40hrs) Python(35hrs) |
3 |
Chemical Engineering. PCCH7306-VI |
Database Management System Computer Aided Design Lab.
PHP & My SQL (30hrs ) Q-CAD (30hrs)
Scilab(35hrs) Drupal (40hrs) C &C++(40hrs) Python(35hrs)
4 |
Civil Engineering.
Additional Software Skills |
Computer Aided Building Planning and Drawing Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machine Lab Computer Aided Detailing of Structure |
Drupal (40hrs) PHPMySQL(30) Python(35hrs)
5 |
Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) & Information Science and Engineering (ISE) PCC18CSL48-IV PCC-18CS55-V PCC-18CS56-V PCC-18CSL58-V OEC-18CS65X VI 18CS74X |
Microcontroller & Embedded Lab Application development using Python
Scilab (35hrs)
PHPMySQL (30hrs) QCAD(30hrs) Java(30hrs) Python(30hrs)
Drupal(40) |
6 |
Electrical Engineering (EE) PCC18EEL67-VI Professional Elective 1 18XX64X Additional Software Skills Project- 18EEP83-VIII
Power Electronics Lab. Digital Signal Processing Lab Object Oriented Programming using
Oscad-Esim(25hrs) Scilab(35hrs) C&C++(40hrs}
LaTeX(30hrs) Scilab(35hrs) Drupal (40hrs) |
7 |
(Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) and Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (EIE) PCC18ECL57-V Professional elective 1-VI 18XX64X Project
Digital Signal Processing Lab. Object Oriented
Drupal (40hrs) PHPMySQL(30hrs) |
8 |
Computer aided Machine Drawing Fluid Mechanics Lab
QCAD( 30hrs) Openfoam{30hrs)
Drupal (40hrs) PHPMySQL(30)
9 |
Mechatronics Enginering. Professional Elective - 2-VII 18MT73X Additional Software Skills
M & Pneumatic
Project Phase 2
C&C++(40hrs) LaTeX(30hrs) Drupal(40hrs} PHPMySQL(30hrs}
10 |
Mining Engineering Additional Software Skills PROJECT- 18MNP83
Project Work Phase 2 | LaTeX(30hrs) Scilab(35hrs) Drupal (40hrs) PHPMySQL(30hrs) C&C++(40hrs) Python(35hrs) |
11 |
Textile Engineering
Project phase 2 |
DWSIM Scilab(35hrs) Drupal (40hrs} PHPMySQ L(30hrs) |
12 |
Industrial and Production Engineering PCC-181P35 PCC-181P46 PROJECT-181PP83 |
Fluid Mechanics CAD/CAM
Openfoam(30hrs) Q-CAD(30hrs}
LaTeX(30hrs) Scilab(35hrs} Drupal (40hrs) PHPMySQL(30hrs)
13 |
Automobile Engineering PEC-18AU73X 18AU731 Additional Software Skills for Credits |
Fluid Mechanics and Fuel Testing Lab
Openfoam(30hrs) Q-CAD(30hrs) LaTeX{30hrs} Scilab(35hrs) Drupal (40hrs) PHPMySQL(30hrs)
14 |
Aeronautical / Aerospace Engineering
Additional Software SkiIls for credit
Computer Aided Aircraft Design Lab Energy Conversion and Fluid |
QCAD(30hrs) OpenFoam(30hrs)
Scilab(35hrs)) Drupal (40hrs) PHPMySQL(30hrs)
PHPMySQL, PostGreSQL- for Database Management systems and Web development.
Unrestricted Access to IIHT’s trending courses, absolutely free of cost Colleges who would want to avail the free program can sign up through the link given below & appoint a SPOC to ensure smooth running of this program. The SPOC details should be mentioned in the registration link.
The below mentioned registration link is only for Colleges and should not be shared with students.
Last date to register is: 28-03-2020 (Saturday)
Partner: Indian Institute of Hardware Technology (IIHT)
IIHT, incorporated in 1993, is a leading IT talent transformation company and a technology evangelist in the retail and enterprise space. Having dedicated over two decades to creating learning paths that are closely aligned to the ever-evolving demands of the IT industry, IIHT has truly been a pioneer in technology training. At IIHT, we recognize the requirements of the IT industry and work towards tackling challenges that prevent the growth of both the enterprise and its workforce. All of IIHT’s learning strategies and platforms are thoughtfully designed, adopting all innovations in IT allowing, us to guarantee a rich and interactive learning experience. We are also looking at a long term relationship. We assure you to provide assistance in placements for your students in the future as well. Universities and institutions that have suspended face-to-face classes or closed their campuses temporarily are finding innovative solutions to minimize the disruption for their students. To help institutions minimize the impact further, IIHT is launching a program to assist universities and colleges by giving free access to IIHT’s online content library.
While panic seems to be the button some are reaching for, we are looking at a different button– the one that you press to go ONLINE. Affected universities can sign up to provide their enrolled students with access to more than 2,500 online courses from IIHT’s content library. Registered learners will have access to our content library for 30 days from the date of provisioning, which is subject to extensions depending on prevailing risk assessments. Unrestricted access to IIHT’s trending courses, absolutely free of cost. No conditions apply.
Offer validity is based on license availability
Download VTU Official Notification on 26th Mar 2020