Macromolecules; Carbon chemistry; Proteins: Structure, folding, catalysis; Nucleic acids: DNA & RNA; storage and transfer of genetic information; Lipids: membranes, structure & function; Carbohydrate chemistry, energy storage, building blocks.
Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells, plant and animal cells, structure of nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes, Golgi bodies, Lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, chloroplast, vacuoles; Cell cycle and cell division: Different phases of cell cycle, cell division: Mitosis and meiosis. Mendelian law of inheritance: Monohybrid and dihybrid inheritance, law of segregation and independent assortment; Gene Interaction; Multiple alleles, supplementary and complementary genes, epistasis. Identification of genetic material: classical experiments; chromosome structure and organization, chemical composition of chromatin, structural organization of nucleosomes, heterochromatin, polytene and lamp-brush chromosomes, human chromosomes, chromosomal disorders.
Introduction to the structure and functions of microorganism: Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi and Protozoan’s. Microscopy and microbial techniques: Study of microscopes; sterilization techniques: Heat, steam, Radiation, Filtration and chemical methods; Pure culture techniques: Serial Dilution, Streak, Spread, Pour Plate. Immune System, Innate and adaptive immunity, antigens and antibodies; types of immune response, hypersensitivity. Humoral immunity: Blymphocytes, Immunoglobulin classes, Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC). Cell mediated immunity. Thymus derived lymphocytes (T-cells), Antigen presenting cells (APC); Immunity to infection, Cytokines.
Role of Microbes in agriculture, Bio-pesticides, Bio fertilizers (Nitrogen fixing microbes), GM crops. Plant metabolic engineering and industrial products: Molecular farming for the production of industrial enzymes, biodegradable plastics, antibodies, edible vaccines. Metabolic engineering of plants for the production of fatty acids, industrial oils, flavonoids etc. Basic aspects of Food & Nutrition. Discussion of case studies for addressing health and malnutrition, via Agriculture BT.
Different media for fermentation, basic structure of fermenter and different types. Types of fermentation processes (surface, submerged, and solid state) and their products (ethanol, citric acid, lactic acid, enzymes, antibiotics) Biological treatment of waste water, primary, secondary and tertiary treatments. Bio-indicators, bioremediation of xenobiotic compounds, Bioleaching of minerals from ores, Biosorption of toxic metals. Solid waste management. Biofuel production from agricultural wastes. Case studies and solutions for current issues of waste management.
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
Question paper pattern:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
Textbook/ Textbooks
1 Bioprocess Engineering and Principles Paulin and M Doran Wiley 2006
2 Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes R.M. Felder and R.W. Rousseau J. Wiley 2006
Reference Books
1 Principles of Genetics Gardner, Simmonns and Snustad Wiley India Pvt. Limited, 2005
2 Cell Biology, Genetics, Evolution and Ecology P S Verma, V R Agarwal New Publisher Delhi 2007
3 Plant biotechnology in Agriculture K. Lindsey and M.G.K. Jones Prentice hall 1989