History and development of animal tissue culture. Equipment and materials, Principles of sterile techniques. Sources & types of tissues, balanced salt solutions Cell culture media - components of the medium, physical, chemical and metabolic functions of media. Role of serum and supplements, serum-free media, features and specifications of MEM, DMEM, RPMI and Ham’s medium. Role of antibiotics in media. Measurement of cell viability and cytotoxicity. Dye exclusion and inclusion tests, colonigenic assay, macromolecular estimation, MTT based assay. Measuring parameters of growth – growth curves, PDT, Plating efficiency and factors influencing growth
Primary culture, Establishment of Primary Culture, Development of cell lines, characterization of cell lines, maintenance and preservation of cell lines. Contamination -causes, detection and control, cell transformation – normal v/s. transformed cells, growth characteristics of transformed cells. Viral and chemical-mediated methods of cell immortalization, Scale-up of suspension cultures - Batch reactor, continuous culture, perfusion systems. Scale-up of monolayer cultures – roller bottles, Nunc cell factory, micro-carrier cultures, organotypic culture, matrices, factors affecting culture and perspectives
Structure of sperms and ovum, cryopreservation of sperms and ova of livestock, artificial insemination, super ovulation, in vitro fertilization, culture of embryos, embryo transfer, embryo-spliting, embryo sexing, transgenic manipulation of animal embryos, different applications of transgenic animal technology, animal viral vectors, animal cloning basic concept, cloning from- embryonic cells and adult cells, cloning of different animals, ethical, social and moral issues related to cloning, in situ and ex situ preservation of germplasm, in utero testing of foetus for genetic defects, anti-fertility animal vaccines, gene knock out technology and animal models for human genetic disorders.
Introduction to different breeds of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, canines and poultry, genetic characterization of livestock breeds, marker assisted breeding of livestock, introduction to animal genomics, different methods for characterization of animal genomes, SNP, STR, QTL, RFLP, RAPD, genetic basis for disease resistance, Immunological and nucleic acid based methods for identification of animal species, detection of meat adulteration using DNA based methods, detection food/feed adulteration with animal protein,
Application of animal cell culture- Concepts of tissue engineering - skin, liver, kidney, Principles and species suitable for aquaculture (Indian major carps and prawns) Pearl culture - pearl producing mollusks, rearing of oysters, nucleation for pearl formation and harvesting of pearls, Probiotics and their significance in aquaculture.
Course outcomes:
After studying this course, students will be able to:
Question paper pattern:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
Textbook/ Textbooks
1 Culture of animal cells, A manual of basic technique R. Ian Freshney Wiley‐Liss, Inc 1994)
2 Animal Cell Biotechnology Spier, RE and Griffith JB Academic Press 1990
Reference Books
1 Methods in Cell Biology JP Mather and D Bames Academic Press 1998
2 Fish & Fisheries of India V. G. Jhingram Central Publishing House 1997
3 Reproductive Techniques in Farm Animals Gordon I CABI 2005