Fundamental and derived units, Conversion, Dimensional consistency of equations, Dimensionless groups and constants, conversions of equations. BASIC CHEMICAL CALCULATIONS: Concept of mole, mole fraction, Compositions of mixtures of solids, liquids and gases, Concept of Normality, Molarity, Molality, ppm, Ideal gas law calculations.
Material balances calculation:
In Distillation, Absorption, Extraction, Crystallization, Drying, Mixing and Evaporation Operations, Fuels – types of fuels, (solid, liquid and gaseous fuel), relevance to biofuels, characteristics of fuels, Ultimate and proximate analyses of fuels.
Material balances calculation involving bypass, recycle and operations. Generalized material balance equations, Principles of stoichiometry, Definitions of limiting and excess reactants, fractions and percentage conversion, yield and percentage yield, Selectivity, unit process – neutralization, oxidation, nitration, hydrolysis, and problems relating to these unit processes.
General steady state energy balance equation, Thermo physics, Thermo chemistry and laws, Heat capacity, Enthalpy, Heat of formation, Heat of reaction, Heat of combustion and Calorific values. Heat of solution, Heat of mixing, Heat of crystallization, determination of ΔHR at standard and elevated temperatures, Theoretical flame temperature and adiabatic flame temperature
Historical development of bioprocess technology; Bioprocess principles and operations, generalized process flow sheets. General material balance equation for steady state (for manufacture of penicillin and ethanol) - outline of a bioprocess and the various (upstream and downstream) unit operations involved in bioprocesses. Stoichiometry of microbial growth and
Course outcomes:
After studying this course, students will be able to:
Question paper pattern:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
Textbook/ Textbooks
1 Principles of Biochemistry David L. year Nelson W.H. freeman and company 2005
2 Bioprocess Engineering Principles Pauline Doran Academic Press 2013
Reference Books
1 Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering David Himmelblau PHI 2014
2 Bioprocess Engineering Shule and Kargi Prentice Hall 1992
3 Chemical Process Calculations R. Asokan University Press 2011