MTech Principles Of Biochemical Engineering syllabus for 1 Sem 2018 scheme 18BBT13

Module-1 MODULE -1 10 hours

Energy and Material Balances:

Material Balance: Law conservation of mass, Materialbalance with and without reactions. Energy Balance: Law of conversation of energy, Energybalance with and without chemical reactions. Introduction to Momentum Transfer: Types of fluids:Newtonian and Non Newtonian fluids.Measurement of viscosity, Laminar and Turbulent flow,eddy viscosity, flow of a fluid past a solid surface (Cellsand immobilized systems), motion of particles in fluid(centrifugation & sedimentation), flow of fluid through granular bed (packed column), fluidization andbubble column

Module-2 MODULE -2 10 hours

Concepts of Heat and Mass Transfer: Heat Transfer:

Thermal conductivity and mechanism of energy transport, design principles of heat exchangers,measurement of heat transfer coefficient, principles,construction and application of evaporators and dryers. Mass transfer: Diffusion and its types, measurement ofdiffusivities, theoretical estimation of diffusitivities,interfacial diffusion (Mass transfer), convective masstransfer, measurement of mass transfer coefficient, Masstransfer process (Principle, construction and applicationof Distillation, adsorption, extraction andcrystallization).

A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Module-3 MODULE -3 10 hours

Thermodynamics and Bioenergetics

Thermodynamics: First and Second law ofthermodynamics, application of first and second law inBiomolecular structure, PVT behaviour, PVT diagramof pure fluids, thermodynamics models used in processindustries (Peng-Robinson model, EOS, NRTL,SRKetc). Properties of solution, phase equilibrium. Chemicalpotential and activity of molecules, statisticalthermodynamics, Bioenergetics: Energetic of metabolicpathways, energy coupling, thermodynamic efficiencyof growth and yield co-efficients

Module-4 MODULE -4 10 hours

Reaction Engineering:

Kinetics of enzyme catalyzed reactions, kinetics of microbial growth, substrate utilization and productformation. Batch and continuous reactors, energy andmass balance in biological reactions. Heterogeneousreaction: Shell balance (Immobilized system), effect ofmass transfer on reaction, Thiele modulus, solid liquidmass transfer correlations, minimizing mass transfereffects

Module-5 MODULE -5 10 hours


Drying; moisture content and its types, wet and drymoisture contents, drying curve, drying equipments,RTD curves-its interpretation, RTD for CSTR and PFRcalculations.