Definitions of infrastructure; typical infrastructure planning steps, Governing Features, Historical overview of Infrastructure development in India. Infrastructure Organizations & Systems.
Infrastructure Planning:
Infrastructure Project budgeting and funding; Regulatory Framework; Sources of Funding, Procurement strategies; Scheduling and management of planning activities.
Financial Management Fundamentals:
Time value of money, cash flow, Inflation - depreciation, taxes, inflation, Personnel cost - Equipment costs – overheads.
Financial Evaluation-
Investment criteria, Project cash flows – elements and basic principles of estimation, financial estimates and projections, Cost of capital, Rate of return.
Construction Finance Management:
Procurement and Efficient use of resources – Statement of Changes in Financial Position (SCFP), Preparation of SCFP on Working Capital Basis, Cash Basis, and Total Resources Basis – SCFP usefulness.
Economic Analysis–
Concepts and Applications, Principles of methodologies for economic analysis of public works, Social welfare function, indifference curves and tradeoffs, Demand curves and price elasticities.
Evaluation Techniques:
Net present value method, Benefit-cost ratio and internal rate of return; Shadow pricing; Accounting for risk and uncertainty.