Definition of terms, Concepts and types of remote sensing; evolution of remote sensing technology, stages in remote sensing technology, spatial data acquisition, interdisciplinary nature and relation with other disciplines, applications of remote sensing, advantages of RS over conventional methods of survey.
Basic Principles of Remote Sensing:
Electro-magnetic radiation; Interactions between matter and electro-magnetic radiation; Types of remote sensing with respect to wavelength regions; Definition of radiometry; Black body radiation; Reflectance; spectral reflectance of land covers; Spectral Signatures; Radiative transfer equation; energy interaction in the atmosphere.
Types of sensors- passive sensors and active sensors; imaging systems, photographic sensors, characteristics of optical sensors; Sensor resolution- spectral, spatial, radiometric and temporal; Characteristic of optical detectors; non-imaging radiometers, imaging sensors, Panchromatic, Multispectral, hyperspectral, stereo images, Optical mechanical line scanner; Push broom scanners and whisk-broom scanners; Imaging spectrometer; space borne imaging sensors, active and passive microwave sensors; Thermal sensors; Atmospheric sensors; Sonar; LIDAR, RADAR, hyperspectral sensors.
Types of platforms- airborne remote sensing, space borne remote sensing; Atmospheric condition and altitude; Attitude of platform; Attitude sensors; Orbital elements of satellite; types of orbits, Satellite positioning systems including GPS, IRNSS, etc, Various satellites for Land, Ocean, and atmospheric studies.
Image Interpretation and Analysis:
Fundamentals of aerial photos and satellite image interpretation; Types of imaging, elements of interpretation; Techniques of Visual interpretation; Generations of Thematic maps. Importance of ground truth, reference data, use of smart phone, geo-tagging.
Digital Image Processing:
Data reception and data products, Digital data manipulation and analysis; image rectification – Radiometric correction, Atmospheric correction, Geometric correction;
Advanced Remote Sensing Technologies:
Microwave remote sensing, Synthetic Aperture Radar; Hyper spectral Imaging Spectrometer; Thermal Imaging System; Advanced Laser Terrain Mapping.