Introduction to Cartography:
Definitions, history, terms, cartographic concepts, science and art in cartography, applications, essential cartographic process, conventional signs; plan and profile, representation of relief, conventional cartography, cartographic products.
Introduction to Map:
Types of map, map scale, classes of maps, map composition, the mapping process; map projection, Map Numbering Systems, Map Legend, Symbols & Border Information, Label placement; Design & Layout of Maps, geographic content of the map, Base map & Thematic map.
Digital Cartography:
Digital cartography, Cartography in context of GIS, Principles of cartographic design in GIS, cartographic generalization, atlases and electronic atlases, hyper maps and digital spatial libraries, conventional cartography vs. Digital cartography; web cartography; overview of cartography.
Introduction to Geodesy:
Definitions, terms, types, history, classification, fundamental goals of geodesy; shape and size of the earth, applications.
Projections :
Classification of map projections, Scale factor, Introduction to Azimuthal, Conical and Cylindrical projections with emphasis on LCC, Polyconic and UTM; Transformations.
Geometric Geodesy:
Earth, Geoid and Reference Ellipsoid; Everest Spheroid, WGS 84, Vertical datum, Mean Sea Level, geometry of ellipsoid, level surfaces, plumb line and deflection of the vertical, coordinate system in geodesy.
Satellite Geodesy:
Introduction, Fundamentals of celestial mechanics, Normal orbits, Equation of motion and laws of Kepler, geometry of elliptic orbit, perturbed satellite motion, Lagrange and Gaussian Planetary equations, Gravitational perturbation, Doppler surveying, Advantages of satellite geodesy.
Introduction to satellite-based Positioning systems:
GNSS, Definition, concept, GLONASS, GALILEO, GAGAN, India’s NavIC. GPS working principle, Components of GPS – Space segment; control segment, user segment; principle of ranging; types of receivers; GPS satellite signals, GPS pseudo range and code phase tracking, Precise Point Positioning (PPP); satellite geometry and accuracy measure, signal propagation error; phase-tracking error, International GPS Geodynamic Services (IGS); GPS modernization,
History, need for DGPS, concepts and principles, differential corrections, local area DGPS, wide area DGPS, carrier phase DGPS, LAAS, WAAS; rapid methods with GPS – rapid static method, semi kinematic method, Real time kinematic method. GPS accuracy, GPS pseudolites,
Planning and Realization of GPS Observations:
Ground control provision by DGPS for geometric correction of satellite imagery / photograph. Ground control points, types, density, planning, reconnaissance survey, field observations, Criteria for selecting reference station, operational procedures, post processing, Receiver Independent Exchange Format (RINEX).
Applications in Engineering and Monitoring; Special applications of GPS; GPS technique and project cost, Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS), applications of Location Based Services, Geo-fencing.
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to: Familiarization with Maps, Map reading, projection systems, Global Navigation, Satellite Systems & their applications in infrastructure planning & facilities of management.
Question paper pattern:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
Reference Books
(1) Satellite Geodesy: Gunter Seebar,
(2) GPS satellite surveying: Alfred leick
(3) Essentials of GPS, N K Agrawal