Factors influencing nature and formation of soils. Soils as a multiphase material, Complexity of soil nature, Typical soil deposits with special reference to Indian soils. Basic engineering properties of different soils and their uses. Study of rocks: Formation, basic types of rocks, igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic rocks and their classification.
Geological structures: Folds, faults and joints, their classification, criterian for the identification of faults and other discontinuities.
Soil structure – Types of bonds, Important clay minerals, atomic structure and symbolic representation. Base exchange capacity, Guoy-chapman diffuse double layer theory, clay structure measurement – X- ray diffraction, SEM studies, DTA, Pore size analysis.
Tests for Index properties of soils – Specific gravity, grain size analysis (both sieve and hydrometer analysis), Atterberg’s limits, Relative merits and Demerits of different methods. Numerical problems.
Tests for engineering properties of soils – Compaction, Consolidation characteristics, Permeability, Shear tests including pore pressure measurements (UU, CU, CD tests). Numerical problems.
Field tests for soils: Plate load test, SPT, SCPT, DCPT and their uses. Numerical problems.