Road Pavements and pavement layers - types, functions, choice Factors affecting design and performance of flexible and rigid pavements – Pavement design factors, loads – axle load distribution, ESWL, EWL,VDF due to varying loads and CSA.
Subgrade support - CBR and plate bearing tests, Resilient Modulus, fatigue tests, permanent deformation Pavement material Characteristics, climatic, drainage and environmental factors, their effects and evaluation. Factors affecting design and performance of airport pavements.
Stresses and Deflection / strain in flexible pavements:
Application of elastic theory, stresses, deflections / strains in single, two and three layer system, Applications in pavement design. problems
Flexible pavement design:
Emperical, semi- empirical and theoretical design approaches, principle, advantages and application. Design steps by CBR method as per IRC, outline of other common design methods such as AASHTO and Asphalt Institute methods, Problems
Rigid pavement design:
Determination of ESWL, EWL for dual and dual tandem wheel loads in Rigid pavements, General design principle, Stresses in rigid pavements, stresses due to wheel loads and temperature variations, design of cement concrete pavements (joints and slab thickness) as per IRC guidelines. Design features of CRCP, SFRC and ICBP, Problems.