Components & principals of pavement management systems, pavement maintenance measures, planning investment, research management. Pavement Management Data Needs, Inventory Data Needs
Characterizing Pavement performance:
Serviceability Performance concept, Pavement Roughness, Equipment for evaluating roughness, Universal roughness standard, Calibration needs, relating roughness to serviceability, Applications of Roughness data
Evaluation of Pavement Structural Capacity -
Nondestructive measurement and analysis, Destructive structural evaluation, Structural Capacity Index concepts, Network versus Project level applications of structural capacity evaluation
Evaluation of Pavement Surface distress condition surveys –
purpose, methods- manual and automated, types of distress, distress survey procedures, equipment used
Evaluation of Pavement Safety:
skid resistance evaluation - basic concepts , importance of surface texture, methods of measuring skid resistance, friction management in Pavement Management, Combined measures of Pavement Quality, Data Base Management,
Present status of Pavement networks -
Performance measures, Strategic level pavement management, state of road network in terms of IRI, in terms of Asset value.
Determining Present and future needs and priority programming of rehabilitation and maintenance –
Establishing criteria, prediction models for pavement deterioration, determining needs, Rehabilitation & Maintenance alternatives and priority programming,
Structural design and economic analysis –
MEPDG process for pavement design, Economic evaluation of alternative pavement design strategies and selection of optimal strategy, Implementation of pavement management system.
Design alternatives and Selection:
Design objectives and constraints, basic structural response models, physical design inputs, alternate pavement design strategies and economic evaluation, reliability concepts in pavement engineering, life cycles costing, analysis of alternate pavement strategies based on distress and performance, case studies and Problems.
Expert systems and Pavement Management:
Role of computers in pavement management, applications of expert systems for managing pavements, expert system for pavement evaluation and rehabilitation, knowledge – based expert systems, case studies. Implementation of Pavement Management Systems. Use of softwares: HDM-4/dTIMS.
Course outcomes:
On completion of this course, Students would be able to design alternate pavement management systems based on life cycle cost analysis.
Graduate Attributes (as per NBA)
Question paper pattern:
Text Books:
1. Ralph Hass, W.Ronald Hudson with Lyne Cowe Falls., “Pavement Asset Management”-Scrivner Publisher, copyright 2015
2. Ralph Hass, W. Ronald Hudson. W. R., Zaniewisti .J. “Modern Pavement Management” – Krieger Publishing Company, Florida, 1994.
Reference Books:
1. Proceedings of North American Conference on Managing Pavement.
2. Proceedings of International Conference on Structural Design of Asphalt Pavements.
3. NCHRP, TRR and TRB Special Reports.
4. Freddy L Roberts, Prithvi S Kandhal et al, “Hot Mix Asphalt Materials, mixture design and construction”- (2nd Edition), National Asphalt Pavement Association Research and Education Foundation, Maryland, USA.
5. Highway Hand Book by FAW, Publication from NUS, Singapore.
6. Nicholas J.Garber, Lester A. Hoel, “Traffic and Highway Engineering”, Third Edition Thompson Learning
8. IRC SP 16, 2004 Guidelines for Surface Evenness of Highway Pavements