MTech Integrated Solid Waste Management syllabus for 2 Sem 2020 scheme 20CWM23

Module-1 Introduction 10 hours


solid waste, solid waste management, types of solid waste, sources of solid waste, properties of solid waste.Estimation of moisture content and density of a solid waste, materials flow in society, functional elements and impact of solid waste management.


System for solid waste management:

solid waste generation, factors affecting generation rates, on site storage collection services, types of collection services, collection routes, transfer stations.

Module-1 Solid Waste 10 hours

Solid Waste-

Types, Sources and Engineering Classification, Characterization, Generation, On-Site Handling, Storage and Processing, Quantification.


Collection of Solid Waste-

Collection Systems, Collection Equipment, Collection Route Optimization.

A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Module-2 Processing Techniques 10 hours

Processing Techniques:

Processing methodologies and waste minimization, recovery, recycle and reuse (3R) of materials from solid waste, mechanical volume reduction and thermal volume reduction, manual component separation.


Land filling process of solid waste:

factors considered in selection of site for potential landfill sites, land filling methods and operations, occurrence of gases and Leachate in Landfills. Control of gas movement, control of leachate movement.

Module-2 Transfer and Transport 10 hours

Transfer and Transport-

Transfer Stations, Location of Transfer Stations, Transfer Means and Methods.


Processing Techniques-

Mechanical Volume Reduction, Thermal Volume Reduction, Manual Component Separation.

Module-3 Treatment Methodologies 10 hours

Treatment Methodologies :

Composting- aerobic and aerobic process, use of compost, factors affecting composting process, Vermi-composting process. Incineration, Pyrolysis and Energy recovery.


Refuse Disposal:

Significance of refuse disposal and management, impact of open land dumping site selection, sanitary land filling, design criteria.

Module-3 Engineering Systems for Resource and Energy Recovery 10 hours

Engineering Systems for Resource and Energy Recovery -

MaterialsRecovery Systems, Recovery Of Biological Conversion Products, Recovery Of Thermal Conversion Products, Recovery of Energy From Conversion Products; Materials And Energy Recovery Systems, Design Examples.

Module-4 Recycling of solid waste 10 hours

Recycling of solid waste:

introduction, developing strategies for collecting recyclable materials, ways to collect recyclables and reuse of recyclable materials.


Hazardous waste:

Introduction,identification of Hazardous waste from solid waste, classification, treatment and disposal techniques of; Biomedical, radioactive and waste from chemical industries.

Module-4 Treatment Methods 10 hours

Treatment Methods-

Recycle, Reduce and Reuse, Composting, Incineration, Pyrolysis,


Disposal Methods-

Impacts Of Open Dumping, Site Selection, Sanitary Land Filling- Design Criteria, Leachate And Gas Collection Systems, Leachate Treatment, Deep-Well Injection.

Module-5 Recent Developments on 10 hours

Recent Developments on:

solid waste management of Biomedical waste, Plastic and E-waste.


Bio-medical waste:

introduction, sources and generation of bio-medical waste. Bio-medical waste management.


Plastic waste:

Environmental effects of plastic waste, recycling of plastic waste, disposal of plastic waste.



Introduction, Health hazards, E-waste management.


Course outcomes:

During this course, students will be trained to:

  • Apply the basic principles behind solid waste management, for solving practical problems.
  • To know the roll and importance of solid waste management in a society.
  • Know the methods required for the treatment of waste and recovery of materials.
  • To understand the recent developments on solid waste management and its importance.


Question paper pattern:

  • The question paper is of 100 marks, it will have Ten full questions.
  • Each full question consists of 20 marks.
  • From each module, there will be 2 full questions with a maximum of two or three sub questions.
  • Each full question is covering all the topics under that module.
  • The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.


Text Books:

1. Tchobanoglous G., Theissen H., and EIiassenR.(1991), “Solid Waste Engineering Principles and Management Issues”,McGraw Hill, New York.

2. Peavy, Rowe and Tchobanoglous (1985), “Environmental Engineering”, McGraw Hill Co. 4th Edition

3. CPHEEO, Manual on Municipal Solid waste management, Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation, Government of India, New Delhi, 2000.

4. K. Shashi Kumar, Solid waste management, PHI Publications.


Reference Books:

1. Waste Treatment and Disposal 2nd edition Paul T Williams, Wiley, 2005

2. Integrated Solid Waste Management - Engineering Principles and Management Issues, Tchobanoglous/Theisen/Vigil, McGraw Hill (1993)

3. Mantell C.L., (1975), “Solid Waste Management”, John Wiley

Module-5 Recent Developments in Solid Waste Reuse and Disposal 10 hours

Recent Developments in Solid Waste Reuse and Disposal-

Power Generation, Building with Construction Materials And Best Management Practices (BMP). Biomedical Waste Management and Treatment , Present Scenario of E waste Management, Industrial Solid Waste management. Role of Various Organizations in Solid Waste Management- Governmental, Non-Governmental, Citizen Forums.


Course outcomes:

On completion of this course, students are able to

  • Understand and apply the basic scientific and sustainability principles behind waste management, for solving practical waste management challenges
  • Understand the fundamental principles of existing and emerging technologies for the treatment of waste and recovery of value from waste


Question paper pattern:

  • The question paper will have ten questions.
  • Each full question consists of 20marks.
  • There will be 2full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
  • Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module. The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.


Text Books:

1. Tchobanoglous G., Theissen H., and Eliassen R., ―Solid Waste Engineering Principles and Management Issues‖, McGraw Hill, New York.

2. H.S. Peavy, D.R. Rowe, G. Tchobanoglous. Environmental Engineering, McgrowHill International Edition, 1st Edition, 2013.


Reference Books:

1. Mantel C. L.,(1975), ―Solid Waste Management‖, John Wiley

2. Pavoni J.L., ―Handbook of Solid Waste Disposal‖.