Introduction to Control characteristics of power semiconductor devices:
SCR, BJT, MOSFET, GTO, MCT, SITH,IGBT. Comparison of controllable switches.
AC to Controlled DC Converter:
Thyristor circuits and theircontrol, Gate Triggering, Single phase converters, Three phaseconverters(Text 1).
DC to DC converters:
Introduction, control of DC-DC converters,Buck, Boost, Buck-Boost, Cuk converter.
Introduction, principle of operation, single phaseinverters, three phase inverters-120 and 180 modes of operation(Text 1).
Switching DC power supplies:
linear power supply, overview of switching power supply, DC - DC converters with electricalisolation, flyback converter, forward converter, push-pullconverter, Half and Full bridge converter, current mode control,power supply protection (Text 1).
Magnetics for switched mode converters:
Power Handling capacity of a transformer, Area product, window utilization factor. Transformer designs – forward converter, half and Full Bridgeconverter, Push-pull converter, Flyback converter. Design ofInductors, problems (Text 2).
PWM controlling Techniques:
single PWM, Multiple, sinusoidal,modified, phase displacement control.
Power electronic applications:
UPS, control of motor drives, criteria for selectingdrive components, High frequency fluorescent lighting. Industrial applications: Induction heating, Electric welding(Text 1).
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Describe the various power semiconductor devices.
2. Analyze and design different power converter circuits.
3. Analyze various single phase and three phase power converter circuits and understand their applications.
4. Develop skills to build, and troubleshoot power electronics circuits.
5. Understand the use of power converters in commercial and industrial applications.
Question paper pattern:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
1. ‘PowerElectronics: Converters, Applications and Design’, MNed Mohan Tore, Undeland and William P Robbins, 3rdEdition, JohnWiley and Sons, 2003
2. ‘Design of Magnetic Components forSwitched Mode Power Converters’,Umanand L & SRBhat, Wiley Eastern Publication, 1992.
Reference Book:
‘Power Electronics’, M H Rashid, 3rdedition, PHI / Pearsonpublisher, 2004.