MTech Computer Relaying For Power Systems syllabus for 1 Sem 2018 scheme 18EPS14

Module-1 Module -1 10 hours

Introduction to computer relaying:

Development of computer relaying, historical background , expected benefits of computer relaying, computer relay architecture, analog to digital converters, antialiasing filters, substation computer hierarchy.


Relaying practices:

Introduction to protection systems, functions of a protection system, protection of transmission lines, transformer, reactor and generator protection, bus protection, performance of current and voltage transformers.

Module-2 Module -2 10 hours

Mathematical basis for protective relaying algorithms:

Introduction, Fourier series, other orthogonal expansions, Fourier transforms, use of Fourier transforms, discrete Fourier transform, introduction to probability and random process, random processes, Kalman filtering.


Digital filters:

Introduction, discrete time systems, discrete time systems, Z Transforms, digital filters, windows and windowing, linear phase, Approximation – filter synthesis, wavelets, elements of artificial intelligence.

A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Module-3 Module -3 10 hours

Transmission line relaying:

Introduction, sources of error, relaying as parameter estimation, beyond parameter estimation, symmetrical component distance relay, newer analytic techniques, protection of series compensated .


Protection of transformers, machines and buses:

Introduction, power transformer algorithms, generator protection, motor protection, digital bus protection

Module-4 Module -4 10 hours

Hardware organization in integrated systems:

The nature of hardware issues, computers for relaying, the substation environment, industry environmental standards, countermeasures against EMI, supplementary equipment, redundancy and backup, servicing, training and maintenance.


System relaying and control:

Introduction, measurement of frequency and phase, sampling clock synchronization, application of phasor measurements to state estimation, phasor measurements in dynamic state estimation, monitoring, control applications.

Module-5 Module -5 10 hours

Relaying applications of traveling waves:

Introduction, traveling waves on single-phase lines, traveling waves on three-phase lines, directional wave relay, traveling wave distance relay, differential relaying with phasors, traveling wave differential relays, fault location, other recent developments.


Wide area measurement applications:

Adaptive relaying, examples of adaptive relaying, wide area measurement systems (WAMS), WAMS architecture, WAMS based protection concepts.