MTech Power Electronic Converters syllabus for 1 Sem 2018 scheme 18EPS15

Module-1 Module -1 10 hours

PWM DC/DC Converters:

Forward Converters - Analysis of the Basic Circuit, Galvanically Isolated Forward Converter, Boost Converter - Analysis of the Basic Scheme, Variation of the Output Voltage, Boundary Between the Continuous and the Discontinuous Mode , Discontinuous Mode Power Losses, Indirect Converter - Boundary Between the Continuous and the Discontinuous Mode, Discontinuous Mode, Indirect Converter with Galvanic Separation, Push – Pull (Symmetric) Converters - Analysis of Idealized Circuit in Continuous Mode, Output Characteristics, Selection of Components, DC Premagnetization of the Core, Half-Bridge Converter, Bridge Converter, Hamilton Circuit, Ćuk Converters - Elimination of the Current Ripple, Ćuk Converters with Galvanic Isolation.

Module-2 Module -2 10 hours

Control Modules:

Basic Principles and Characteristics of PWM Control Modules - Circuit Analysis, Simple PWM, Voltage-Controlled PWM, Current-Controlled PWM- Compensated PWM, IC Control Modules - Control Module TL494, Control Module SG1524/2524/3524, Control Module TDA 1060.


DC/AC Converters – Inverters:

Single-Phase Voltage Inverters - Pulse-Controlled Output Voltage, Pulse-Width Modulated Inverters - Unipolar PWM, Three-Phase Inverters-Overmodulation (ma > 1), Asynchronous PWM, Space Vector Modulation - Space Vector Modulation: Basic Principles, Application of Space Vector Modulation Technique, Direct and Inverse Sequencing, Real Drive Influence.

A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Module-3 Module -3 10 hours

AC/DC Converters – Rectifiers:

Half-Wave Single-Phase Rectifiers , Full-Wave Rectifiers - Commutation of Current, Output Filters - Capacitive Filter, L Filter,Voltage Doublers, Three-Phase Rectifiers, Phase Controlled Rectifiers - Full-Wave Thyristor Rectifiers, Three-Phase Thyristor Bridge Rectifiers, Twelve-Pulse Rectifiers, Rectifiers with Circuit for Power Factor Correction, Active Rectifier - Active Rectifier with Hysteresis Current Controller, PWM Rectifiers - Advanced Control Techniques of PWM Rectifiers , PWM Rectifier with Current Output, PWM Rectifiers in Active Filters, Some Topologies of PWM Rectifiers, Applications of PWM Rectifiers.

Module-4 Module -4 10 hours

Resonant Converters:

Resonant Circuits - Resonant Converters of Class D, Series Resonant Converters, Parallel Resonant Converters, Series – Parallel Resonant Converter, Series Resonant Converters Based on GTO Thyristors, Class E Resonant Converters, DC/DC Converters Based on Resonant Switches - ZCS Quasi-resonant Converters, ZVS Quasi-resonant Converters, Multiresonant Converters, ZVS Resonant DC/AC Converters, Soft Switching PWM DC/DC Converters -Phase Shift Bridge Converters, Resonant Transitions PWM Converters, Control Circuits of Resonant Converters - Integrated Circuit Family UCx861-8, Integrated Circuits for Control of Soft, Switching PWM Converters.

Module-5 Module -5 10 hours

AC/AC Converters:

Single-Phase AC/AC Voltage Converters - Time Proportional Control Three-Phase Converters, Frequency Converters, Direct Frequency Converters, Introduction to AC/AC Matrix Converters - Basic Characteristics, Bidirectional Switches, Realization of Input Filter, Current Commutation, Protection of Matrix Converter, Application of Matrix Converter.


Introduction to Multilevel Converters:

Basic Characteristics -Multilevel DC/DC Converters, Time Interval: nT < t < nT + DT, n = 0, 1, 2,Time Interval: nT + DT < t < (n + 1)T , Multilevel Inverters - Cascaded H-Bridge Inverters, Diode-Clamped Multilevel Inverters, Flying Capacitor Multilevel Inverter, Other Multilevel Inverter Topologies, Control of Multilevel Inverters - Multilevel SPWM, Space Vector Modulation, Space Vector Control, Selective Harmonic Elimination.