Multirate Digital Signal Processing:
Introduction, decimation by a factor 'D', Interpolation by a factor 'I', sampling rate conversion by a factor 'I/D', Implementation of sampling rate conversion, Multistage implementation of sampling rate conversion, Applications of multirate signal processing, Digital filter banks, two channel quadrature mirror filter banks, M-channel QMF bank. (Text 1)
Linear prediction and Optimum Linear Filters:
Random signals, Correlation Functions and Power Spectra, Innovations Representation of a Stationary Random Process. Forward and Backward Linear Prediction. Solution of the Normal Equations. The Levinson-Durbin Algorithm. Properties of the Linear Prediction-Error Filters. (Text 1)
Adaptive filters:
Applications of Adaptive Filters-Adaptive Channel Equalization, Adaptive noise cancellation, Linear Predictive coding of Speech Signals, Adaptive direct form FIR filters-The LMS algorithm, Properties of LMS algorithm. Adaptive direct form filters- RLS algorithm. (Text 1)
Power Spectrum Estimation:
Non parametric Methods for Power Spectrum Estimation - Bartlett Method, Welch Method, Blackman and Tukey Methods.
Parametric Methods for Power Spectrum Estimation:
Relationship between the auto correlation and the modelparameters, Yule and Walker methods for the AR Model Parameters, Burg Method for the AR Model parameters, Unconstrained least-squares method for the AR Model parameters, Sequential estimation methods for the AR Model parameters, ARMA Model for Power Spectrum Estimation. (Text 1)
The Age of Wavelets, The origin of Wavelets, Wavelets and other reality transforms, History of wavelets, Wavelets of the future.
Continuous Wavelet and Short Time Fourier Transform:
Wavelet Transform, Mathematical preliminaries, Properties of wavelets. Discrete Wavelet Transform: Haar scaling functions, Haar wavelet function, Daubechies Wavelets. (Chapters 1, 3 & 4 of Text 2)