General Physiology:
Cell, Cell junctions, Transport through cell membrane, Homeostasis, Acid base balance.
Respiratory System & Environmental Physiology:
Physiological anatomy of respiratory tract, Pulmonary circulation, Mechanics of respiration, Pulmonary function tests, Ventilation, Exchange of respiratory gases, Transport of respiratory gases, Regulation of respiration, Artificial respiration.
Renal Physiology :
Kidney, Nephron, Juxtaglomerular apparatus, Renal circulation, Urine formation, Concentration of urine, Acidification of urine, Renal function tests, Renal disorders, Micturition, Uro flow studies, Dialysis.
Cardiovascular System :
Introduction to cardiovascular system, Properties of cardiac muscle, Cardiac cycle, Heart sounds, Cardiac murmurs, Electrocardiogram, Vector, Arrhythmia, Cardiac output, Regulation of heart rate, Hemodynamics, Arterial blood pressure, Hemorrhage.
GIS, Functions of stomach, pancreas, liver, intestine, function tests: endoscopies.
Nervous System :
Introduction to nervous system, Neuron, Classification of nerve fibers, Properties of nerve fibers, Degeneration & regeneration of nerve fibers, Neuroglia, Receptors, Synapse, Neurotransmitters, Reflex activity, Physiology of pain, Hypothalamus, Electroencephalogram.
Physiology of sleep, Epilepsy, cerebrospinal fluid, Autonomic nervous system and ANS tests. Evoked potentials. Cerebral circulation and tests.
Muscle Physiology:
Classification of muscles, Structure of skeletal muscles, Properties of skeletal muscles, Changes during muscular contraction, Neuromuscular junction, Electromyogram & disorders of skeletal muscles.
Types of joint- Fibrous, Cartilaginous, Synovial, characteristics of synovial joints, shoulder joint, elbow joint, radioulnar joint, wrist joint, joints of hands and fingers, Hip joint, Knee joint, ankle joint, joints of foot and toes.
Physiology of Eye and Ear:
Structure of the Eye, Visual process, Field of vision, Visual pathway, Pupillary reflexes, Colour vision, Errors of refraction. ERG and EOG. Structure of ear, Auditory defects.