Aircraft Performance:
Aviation history. Principles of Flight. Aircraft aerodynamics; Drag and Thrust. Steady and level Flight. Variation of Thrust, Drag, Power available, and Power required with speed and altitude. Minimum drag, minimum power, Maximum and minimum level flight speeds. Simple problems.
Steady Performance:
Airplane Steady Performance: General equation of motion, Steady level flight performance, Steady Climbing, Gliding Flights; Minimum rate of sink and range in a glide. Range and Endurance of jet and piston prop airplanes.
Accelerated Performance:
Estimation of take-off and landing distances. Ground effect, Balanced Field Length. Turn performance; Bank angle, load factor, pull-up & pull-down maneuver; accelerated climbing, V-n diagram.
Static Longitudinal Stability and Control:
Equilibrium conditions, Definition of static stability, Definition of longitudinal static stability, stability criteria, Contribution of airframe components: Wing contribution, Tail contribution, Fuselage contribution, Power effects- Propeller airplane and Jet airplane. Trim condition. Static margin. stick fixed neutral points. Longitudinal control, Elevator power, Elevator angle versus equilibrium lift coefficient, Elevator required for landing, Restriction on forward C.G. range, Hinge moment parameters, Stickfree Neutral point, Stick force gradient in unaccelerated flight, Restriction on aft C.G.
Static Directional Stability and Control:
Introduction, Definition of directional stability, Static directional stability rudder fixed, Contribution of airframe components, Directional control. Rudder power, Stick-free directional stability, Requirements for directional control, Rudder lock, Dorsal fin. One engine inoperative condition, Weather cocking effect.
Static Lateral Stability and Control:
Introduction, definition of Roll stability. Estimation of dihedral effect., Effect of wing sweep, flaps, and power, Lateral control, Estimation of lateral control power, Aileron control forces, Balancing the aileron.
Dynamic Longitudinal Stability:
Definition of Dynamic longitudinal stability: types of modes of motion: long or phugoid motion, short period motion. Airplane Equations of longitudinal motion, Derivation of rigid body equations of motion, Orientation and position of the airplane, gravitational and thrust forces, Small disturbance theory.
Dynamic Lateral and Directional Stability:
Routh’s criteria. Factors affecting period and damping of oscillations. Effect of wind shear. Course outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Apply knowledge to calculate steady and accelerated performance of airplanes
2. Solve problems of static stability for stick fix and stick free conditions 3. Model dynamic stability for rigid airframes
Question paper pattern:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
Textbook/ Textbooks
1 Introduction to Flight Anderson J.D McGraw Hill 7 th edition &2011
2 Airplane Performance, stability and Control Perkins, C.D., and Hage, R.E John Wiley & Sons Inc, New York, 1988
Reference Books
1 Aerodynamics, Aeronautics and Flight Mechanics McCormick B.W., John Wiley & Sons New York 1979
2 Flight Performance of Aircraft, Ojha S.K. AIAA Education Series 1995.
3 Performance, Stability, Dynamics and Control of Airplanes Bandu N. Pamadi AIAA 2nd Edition Series,2004