Introduction to Cryogenic Engineering:
Thermophysical and fluid dynamic properties of liquid and gas hydrogen, Thermophysical and fluid dynamic properties of liquid and gas helium, Liquefaction systems of hydrogen and helium gases, Liquefaction systems of hydrogen and helium gases, Refrigeration and liquefaction principals; Joule Thomson effect and inversion curve; Adiabatic and isenthalpic expansion with their comparison.
Cryogenic fluids, Solids at cryogenic temperatures; Superconductivity, Recuperative - Linde - Hampson, Claude, Cascade, Heylandt, Kapitza, Collins, Simon; Regenerative - Stirling cycle and refrigerator, Slovay refrigerator, Gifford-McMahon refrigerator, Vuilleumier refrigerator, Pulse Tube refrigerator; Liquefaction of natural gas.
Cryogenic Insulation:
Vacuum insulation, Evacuated porous insulation, Gas filled Powders and fibrous materials, Solid foams, Multilayer insulation, Liquid and vapour Shields, Composite insulations.
Storage and Instrumentation of Cryogenic liquids:
Design considerations of storage vessel; Dewar vessels; Industrial storage vessels; Storage of cryogenic fluids in space; Transfer systems and Lines for cryogenic liquids; Cryogenic valves in transfer lines; Two phase flow in Transfer system; Cool down of storage and transfer systems, Measurement of strain, pressure, flow, liquid level and Temperature in cryogenic environment; Cryostats.
Cryogenic Equipment:
Cryogenic heat exchangers-recuperative and regenerative; Variables affecting heat exchanger and system performance; Cryogenic compressors, Pumps, expanders; Turbo alternators; Effect of component inefficiencies; System Optimization, Magneto-caloric refrigerator; 3He-4He Dilution refrigerator; Cryopumping; Cryogenic Engineering applications in energy, aeronautics, space, industry, biology, preservation Application of Cryogenic Engineering in Transport.
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Recognize the basic of cryogenic engineering.
2. Identify the storage and instrumentation required for cryogenic liquids.
3. Classify the types of cryogenic equipments.
Question paper pattern:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
Textbook/ Textbooks
1 Cryogenic Engineering Intelligence T.M.Flynn, MarcelDekker CRC Press 2 nd edition, 2004
2 Cryogenics: Applications and Progress A.Bose and P.Sengupta Tata McGraw Hill 1987
Reference Books
1 Handbook of Cryogenic Engineering J.G.Weisend CRC Press 1 st edition,1998
2 Cryogenic Systems R.Barron McGraw-Hill Inc 1967
3. Cryogenic Process Engineering K.D.Timmerhaus and T.M.Flynn Plenum Press, 1 st edition,2013
4. Applied Cryogenic Engineering R.W.Vance and W.M.Duke John Wiley &sons 1962