MTech Mini-project syllabus for 3 Sem 2020 scheme 20MAP35

Module-1 Mini Project 0 hours

Course objectives:

  • To support independent learning and innovative attitude.
  • To guide to select and utilize adequate information from varied resources upholding ethics.
  • To guide to organize the work in the appropriate manner and present information (acknowledging the sources) clearly.
  • To develop interactive, communication, organisation, time management, and presentation skills.
  • To impart flexibility and adaptability.
  • To inspire independent and team working.
  • To expand intellectual capacity, credibility, judgement, intuition.
  • To adhere to punctuality, setting and meeting deadlines.
  • To instil responsibilities to oneself and others.
  • To train students to present the topic of project work in a seminar without any fear, face audience confidently, enhance communication skill, involve in group discussion to present and exchange ideas. Mini-Project: Each student of the project batch shall involve in carrying out the project work jointly in constant consultation with internal guide, co-guide, and external guide and prepare the project report as per the norms avoiding plagiarism.


Course outcomes:

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

  • Present the mini-project and be able to defend it.
  • Make links across different areas of knowledge and to generate, develop and evaluate ideas and information so as to apply these skills to the project task.
  • Habituated to critical thinking and use problem solving skills.
  • Communicate effectively and to present ideas clearly and coherently in both the written and oral forms.
  • Work in a team to achieve common goal.
  • Learn on their own, reflect on their learning and take appropriate actions to improve it.


CIE procedure for Mini - Project:

The CIE marks awarded for Mini - Project, shall be based on the evaluation of Mini - Project Report, Project Presentation skill and Question and Answer session in the ratio 50:25:25.The marks awarded for Mini - Project report shall be the same for all the batch mates.


Semester End Examination

SEE marks for the mini-project shall be awarded based on the evaluation of Mini-Project Report, Presentation skill and Question and Answer session in the ratio 50:25:25 by the examiners appointed by the University.