The focus is on experimental investigations on one or more topics identified below. Physical experiments as well as numerical experiments are welcome. Each student must prepare and submit a comprehensive report on the problems Investigated and give a presentation on the same for internal evaluation. Any one of the exercises done from the following list has to be asked in the Examination for evaluation. Parametric studies and correlation studies are implied.
1. Optimizing machining time to produce mild steel components on a CNC turning Centre.
2. Characterize surface roughness of High carbon steel using a grinding machine.
3. To determine power required to machine a chosen component and evaluate suitability of the machine to manufacture the same.
4. To compare surface characteristics produced by conventional and CNC turning machines.
5. To Estimate the accuracy of taper produced on a shaft by grinding.
6. To measure cutting forces during machining of High carbon steel and optimize machining parameters.
7. To optimize a single point cutting tool for machining HC steel and to arrive at parameters like rake angle, relief angle, and nose radius etc.
8. To study type of chips produced in machining Al/Composites materials/ HC alloy steels and to characterize chip thickness.
9. Construction of merchant circle diagram for turning operation of mild steel and to compute power requirement for turning operation.
10. Perform cutting/drilling/turning operations on mild steel/ high carbon steel/ composite material components and estimate power required for cutting/drilling/turning. (Ex: for the hole, dia& feed values are provided; Student has to find the volume of metal removed and energy consumed)
11. Determine the true taper and actual taper mathematically and perform turning operations (roughing cuts) on lathe and estimate the tool life of tool on similar cuts at different speeds.