Basics of Vibration:
Definitions, Modelling and Simulation, Global and Vehicle Coordinate System, Free, Forced, Un-damped and Damped Vibration, Response Analysis of Single DOF, Two DOF, Multi DOF, Magnification factor, Transmissibility, Vibration absorber, Vibration measuring instruments, Torsional vibration, Critical speed. Modal analysis.
Tyre forces and moments, Tyre structure, Longitudinal and Lateral force at various slip angles, rolling resistance, tractive and cornering property of tyre. Performance of tyre on wet surface. Ride property of tyres. Magic formulae tyre model, Estimation of tyre road friction. Test on Various road surfaces. Tyre Vibration.
Braking Performance:
Basic equations, Braking forces, Brakes, Brake Proportioning, Antilock Brake system, Braking efficiency, Rear wheel lockup, Standards and Legislations, Numerical Examples
Vertical Dynamics:
Human response to vibration, Sources of Vibration. Design, analysis and computer simulation of Passive, Semi-active and Active suspension using Quarter car, half car and full car model. Influence of suspension stiffness, suspension damping, and tyre stiffness. Control law for LQR, H-Infinite, Skyhook damping. Air suspension system and their properties.
Vehicle Aerodynamics:
Aerodynamic, Aerodynamic forces lift and drag components, Pitching, yawing, rolling moments, and Total road loads, Numerical Examples
Steady State Handling Characteristics of Road Vehicles;
Steering Geometry, Derivation of fundamental equation governing the steady state handling behaviour of a road vehicle, Neutral Steer, Under steer and Over steer characteristics, characteristic and critical speeds, Neutral Steer Point, Static margin, Steady-State Response to Steering Input-Yaw Velocity Response, Lateral Acceleration Response, Sideslip Response and Curvature Response; Numerical Problems.
Performance Characteristics of Off-Road Vehicles:
Drawbar Performance - Drawbar Pull and Drawbar Power, Tractive Efficiency, Coefficient of Traction, Weight-to-Power Ratio for OffRoad Vehicles; Fuel Economy of Cross-country Operations Transport Productivity and Transport Efficiency, Mobility Map and Mobility Profile, Selection of Vehicle Configurations for Off-Road, Numerical Problems.
Suspension Mechanisms:
Solid Axle Suspension, Independent Suspension, Roll Center and Roll Axis, Car Tire Relative Angles, Toe, Caster Angle, Camber, Trust Angle, Suspension Requirements and Coordinate Frames, Kinematics Requirements, Dynamic Requirements, Wheel, wheel body, and tyre Coordinate Frames, Caster Theory,Numerical examples
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO1: Explain basics of vibrations
CO2:Analyze forces acting and the performance characteristics of tyres and brakes
CO 3:Analyze vehicle dynamics and its influence on the vehicle handling characteristics
CO 4: Explain principles of Steady State Handling Characteristics of Road Vehicles
CO 5: Understand the suspension mechanisms, analyse and design
Question paper pattern:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
Textbook/ Textbooks
(1) Reza N. Jazar, Vehicle Dynamics, Theory and Applications Springer Verlag. 2 nd Edition, 2014
(2) J. Y. Wong, Theory of Ground Vehicles John Willey & Sons, NY 4 th Edition, 2008
Reference Books
(1) Hans B. Pacejka Tyre and Vehicle Dynamics SAE 2 nd Edition, 2006
(2) Giancarlo Genta , Motor Vehicle Dynamics: Modelling and Simulation World Scientific Publishing Co.; Singapore 3 rd Edition, 2017
(3) Hucho W. H Aerodynamics of Road Vehicles SAE 4 th Edition,