MTech Product Design And Development syllabus for 1 Sem 2018 scheme 18MPD12

Module-1 Module-1 10 hours


Characteristics of successful product development, Design and development of products, duration and cost of product development, the challenges of product development.


Development Processes and Organizations:

A generic development process, concept development: the front-end process, adopting the generic product development process, the AMF development process, product development organizations, the AMF organization.


Product Planning:

The product planning process, identify opportunities. Evaluate and prioritize projects, allocate resources and plan timing, complete pre project planning, reflect all the results and the process.

Module-2 Module-2 12 hours

Identifying Customer Needs:

Gather raw data from customers, interpret raw data in terms of customer needs, organize the needs into a hierarchy, establish the relative importance of the needs and reflect on the results and the process. Product Specifications: What are specifications, when are specifications established, establishing target specifications, setting the final specifications. Concept Generation: The activity of concept generation, clarifies the problem, search externally, search internally, explore systematically, reflect on the results and the process.

A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Module-3 Module-3 10 hours

Concept Selection:

Overview of methodology, concept screening, and concept scoring,


Concept Testing:

Define the purpose of concept test, choose a survey population, choose a survey format, communicate the concept, measure customer response, interpret the result, reflect on the results and the process.


Product Architecture:

What is product architecture, implications of the architecture, establishing the architecture, variety and supply chain considerations, platform planning, related system level design issues.

Module-4 Module-4 10 hours

Industrial design:

Assessing the need for industrial design, the impact of industrial design, industrial design process, managing the industrial design process, assessing the quality of industrial design.


Design for Manufacturing:

Definition, estimation of manufacturing cost, reducing the cost of components, assembly, supporting production, impact of DFM on other factors.



Prototyping basics, principles of prototyping, technologies, planning for prototypes.

Module-5 Module-5 10 hours

Product Development Economics:

Elements of economic analysis, base case financial mode,. Sensitive analysis, project trade-offs, influence of qualitative factors on project success, qualitative analysis.


Managing Projects:

Understanding and representing task, baseline project planning, accelerating projects, project execution, postmortem project evaluation.