MTech Advanced Materials & Processing syllabus for 1 Sem 2018 scheme 18MPD15

Module-1 Module-1 10 hours

Classification and characteristics:

Metals, Ceramics, Polymers and composites.


General properties and structure:

Atoms, molecules bonds in solids, Crystalline - Defects in Metallic structure, Dislocations and plastic deformation - Strengthening mechanism - grain size, dislocation - Cold work, precipitation hardening, dispersion hardening - phase reactions, fatigue and Creep behavior.

Module-2 Module-2 10 hours

Ferrous Alloys:

iron carbon equilibrium diagrams - Steels and cast irons - properties, structure, composition and applications transformation hardening in steels - TIT diagrams - Heat treatment processes - Effect of alloying elements - High alloy steels, Stainless steel types, tool Steels, Manganese steels, heat resistant steels, HSLA, Maraging steels

A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Module-3 Module-3 10 hours

Non Ferrous alloys:

AlIoys of copper, Aluminum, nickel, magnesium, titanium, lead, tin, Zinc - composition, heat treatment, structure, properties and application.

Module-4 Module-4 10 hours

Polymers and polymerizations:

Structure and properties of thermoplastics and thermo sets – Engineering Applications - property modifications - Mechanical and thermal behavior – processing methods.


Ceramics :

Nature and structure of Ceramics - Refractory Abrasives glasses - glass ceramics - Advanced ceramics processing methods

Module-5 Module-5 10 hours

Composites :

Definition - classification and characteristics of composite materials - Volume fraction - laminated composites particulate composites, fibrous composites - Types of reinforcements, their shape and size - production and properties of fiber reinforced plastics, Metal Matrix composites and ceramic matrix composites - Applications.


Processing of Polymers:

composites, ceramics - thermal spraying - Ion beam machining diamond coating techniques-tribological Applications.