Energy Conservation:
Introduction - Indian Energy Conservation Act - List of EnergyIntensive Industries - Rules for Efficient Energy Conservation - Identification of EnergyConservation opportunities - Technologies for Energy Conservation – EnergyConservation Schemes and Measures - Energy flow net works - Critical assessment ofenergy use - Optimizing Energy Inputs and Energy Balance - Pinch Technology
Energy Efficiency Improvement:
Steam Generation - Distribution and Utilization –Furnaces - Fans and Blowers - Compressors Pumps - Pinch Technology - Fluidized bedCombustion - Heat Exchanger Net works - Case Studies - Analysis andrecommendation.
Energy Audit:
Definition and Concepts, Types of Energy Audits – Basic Energy Concepts –Energy audit questionnaire, Data Gathering – Analytical Techniques. Energy Consultant: Needof Energy Consultant – Consultant Selection Criteria, Economic Analysis: Scope, Characterization of an Investment Project – Types of Depreciation –Time Value of money – budget considerations, Risk Analysis
Energy Efficient Lighting:
Terminology - Laws of illumination - Types of lamps -Characteristics - Design of illumination systems - Good lighting practice - Lighting control- Steps for lighting energy conservation.
Economics of Generation and Distribution: Generation:
Definitions - Connected load, Maximum demand - Demand factor –Diversity factor – Significance - Power Factor – Causes and disadvantages of low powerfactor – Economics of power factor improvement.Distribution: Electrical load analysis - Types of consumers & tariffs - Line losses -Corona losses - Types of distribution system - Kelvin’s law - Loss load factor – GreenLabeling – Star Rating.