Compression techniques, modeling and coding mathematical preliminaries for lossless compression: A brief introduction to information theory, models, coding, algorithmic information theory, minimum description length principle.
Huffman Coding:
The Huffman coding algorithm, non binary Huffman codes, adaptive Huffman coding, golomb codes, rice codes, Tunstall codes, application of Huffman coding.
Lossless Image Compression:
Introduction, CALIC, JPEG-LS, multi resolution approaches, facsimile encoding, MRC-T.44.
Mathematical Preliminaries For Lossy Coding:
Introduction, distortion criteria, information theory revisited, rate distortion theory, models
Wavelet Based Compression:
Introduction, wavelets, multi resolution analysis and scaling function, implementation using filters, image compression, embedded zero tree coder, set partitioning in hierarchical trees, JPEG zero.
Audio Coding:
Introduction , MPEG coding, MPEG advanced audio coding, Dolby AC3(DOLBY DIGITAL) other standards.
Video Compression:
Introduction, motion compensation, video signal representation, ITU-T recommendation H.261, model based coding, asymmetric applications, The MPEG1 video standard, The MPEG-2 video standard, ITU-T recommendation H.263, ITU-T recommendation H.264, MPEG-4 part 1.0 advanced video coding, MPEG-4 part 2 , packet video, ATM networks.