OSI security architecture:
Classical encryption techniques, Cipher principles, Data encryption standard, Block cipher design principles and modes of operation, Evaluation criteria for AES, AES cipher, Triple DES, Placement of encryption function, Traffic confidentiality.
Key management:
Diffie Hellman key exchange, Elliptic curve architecture and cryptography, Introduction to number theory, Confidentiality using symmetric encryption, Public key cryptography and RSA.
Authentication requirements:
Authentication functions, Message authentication codes, Hash functions, Security of hash functions and MACS, MD5 Message Digest algorithm, Secure hash algorithm, Ripend, HMAC digital signatures, Authentication protocols.
Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Teleportation:
Heisenberg uncertainty principle, polarization states of photons, quantum cryptography using polarized photons, local vs. non local interactions, entanglements, EPR paradox, Bell’s theorem, Bell basis, teleportation of a single qubit theory and experiments.
Future trends:
Review of recent experimental achievements, studyon technological feasibility of a quantum computer candidate physical systems and limitations imposed by noise.