CBCS Scheme
Subject Code | Subjects | Sem | Scheme | Branch |
16SFC151 | Access Control and Identity Management System | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE12 | Advanced Digital Design | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS242 | Agile Technologies | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE154 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS244 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC251 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT23 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE241 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN331 | Analysis of Computer Networks | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI31 | Client Server Programming | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT151 | Client Server Programming | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
18SCS153 | Data Compression | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
18SIT13 | Data Compression | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT152 | Information storage Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI12 | Information and Network Security | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN13 | Information and Network Security | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS253 | Information and Network Security | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI22 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE23 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN14 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS14 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE321 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI334 | Network Routing Algorithm | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN322 | Network Routing Algorithm | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC324 | Security Assessment and Verification | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI23 | Protocol Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN332 | Protocol Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE242 | Pattern Recognition | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI23 | Advanced Cryptography | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN332 | Advanced Cryptography | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI243 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE323 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN241 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS241 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT253 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE153 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE151 | Computer Systems Performance Analysis | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS12 | Advances in Operating Systems | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC242 | Biometric Security | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI244 | Cyber Security and Cyber law | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE244 | Cyber Security and Cyber law | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT244 | Cyber Security and Cyber law | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS334 | Cyber Security and Cyber law | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC12 | Ethical Hacking | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC31 | File System Forensic Analysis | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE252 | Information Retrieval | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI152 | Multimedia Communications | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE322 | Multimedia Communications | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN21 | Multimedia Communications | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC13 | Pragmatic of Information Security | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC21 | Preserving and Recovering Digital Evidence | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE334 | Object Oriented Software Engineering | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT333 | Object Oriented Software Engineering | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE13 | Object Oriented Software Engineering | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE153 | Advances in Computer Architecture | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC154 | Application and Web Security | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS331 | Application and Web Security | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS254 | Advances in Digital Image Processing | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE31 | ARM Processors | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI251 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE21 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN252 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS21 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC331 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT31 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE322 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI153 | Ethernet Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN243 | Ethernet Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE253 | Decision Support System | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE154 | Distributed Operating System | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT154 | Distributed Operating System | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE152 | Distributed Operating System | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC323 | Mobile Device Forensics | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI13 | Network Programming | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI21 | Network Protocol Design | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI11 | Semantic Web and Social Networks | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT321 | Supply Chain Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE324 | Supply Chain Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS251 | Advances in Computer Graphics | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT251 | Advances in Computer Graphics | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE252 | Advances in Data Base Management System | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS13 | Advances in Data Base Management System | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT14 | Advances in Data Base Management System | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE151 | Advances in Data Base Management System | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE12 | Advances in Software Testing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI151 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE14 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN31 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS23 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT22 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE251 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE13 | Embedded Computing Systems | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS152 | Embedded Computing Systems | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC13 | Cyber Crime and Cyber Forensics | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC241 | Cyber Laws and Ethics | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN323 | Information Security Policies in Industry | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC243 | Information Security Policies in Industry | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI154 | Network Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN253 | Network Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE243 | Natural Language Processing and Text Mining | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS333 | Natural Language Processing and Text Mining | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI323 | Mobile Application Development | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN244 | Mobile Application Development | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC332 | Mobile Application Development | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT241 | Mobile Application Development | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC321 | Security Architecture Design | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI252 | Software Agents | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE333 | Software Defined Networks | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS22 | Advanced Algorithms | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE244 | Advanced Algorithms | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI321 | Advances in Computer Networks | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN12 | Advances in Computer Networks | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS151 | Advances in Computer Networks | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS243 | Business Intelligence and its Applications | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT252 | Business Intelligence and its Applications | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE332 | Database Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC252 | Database Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI253 | Bioinformatics | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT242 | Bioinformatics | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE254 | Computer Vision | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC253 | Enterprise Application Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT12 | Enterprise Application Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE22 | Enterprise Application Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS324 | Enterprise Application Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE22 | Multi Core Architecture and Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN152 | Multi Core Architecture and Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS152 | Multi Core Architecture and Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI322 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE321 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN324 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS31 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC254 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT322 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE334 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI333 | Cloud Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE331 | Cloud Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN154 | Cloud Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC152 | Cloud Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC22 | Operating System Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI332 | Social Network Analysis | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN153 | Social Network Analysis | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC333 | Social Network Analysis | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT153 | Service Oriented Architecture | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE14 | Service Oriented Architecture | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC23 | Secured Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI331 | Wireless Networks & Mobile Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE241 | Wireless Networks & Mobile Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN151 | Wireless Networks & Mobile Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS323 | Wireless Networks & Mobile Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN424 | Web Mining | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN333 | Web Engineering | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT324 | Web Engineering | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI324 | Wireless Sensor Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE251 | Wireless Sensor Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN251 | Wireless Sensor Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN242 | Switching & Statistical Multiplexing In Telecommunications | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI242 | Web Services | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT21 | Web Services | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE154 | Web Services | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI241 | Wireless Ad hoc Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN23 | Wireless Ad hoc Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC322 | Steganography and Digital Watermarking | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE21 | Software Project Planning & Management | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS332 | Software Project Planning & Management | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC334 | Software Metrics & Quality Assurance | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT243 | Software Metrics & Quality Assurance | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE242 | Software Metrics & Quality Assurance | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC244 | Trust Management in E-commerce | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE253 | Trust Management in E-commerce | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSC23 | Software Design Patterns | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS252 | Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT323 | Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE254 | Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE41 | Soft Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
CBCS Scheme
Subject Code | Subjects | Sem | Scheme | Branch |
16SFC151 | Access Control and Identity Management System | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE12 | Advanced Digital Design | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS242 | Agile Technologies | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE154 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS244 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC251 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT23 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE241 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN331 | Analysis of Computer Networks | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI31 | Client Server Programming | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT151 | Client Server Programming | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
18SCS153 | Data Compression | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
18SIT13 | Data Compression | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT152 | Information storage Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI12 | Information and Network Security | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN13 | Information and Network Security | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS253 | Information and Network Security | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI22 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE23 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN14 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS14 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE321 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI334 | Network Routing Algorithm | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN322 | Network Routing Algorithm | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC324 | Security Assessment and Verification | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI23 | Protocol Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN332 | Protocol Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE242 | Pattern Recognition | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI23 | Advanced Cryptography | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN332 | Advanced Cryptography | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI243 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE323 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN241 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS241 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT253 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE153 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE151 | Computer Systems Performance Analysis | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS12 | Advances in Operating Systems | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC242 | Biometric Security | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI244 | Cyber Security and Cyber law | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE244 | Cyber Security and Cyber law | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT244 | Cyber Security and Cyber law | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS334 | Cyber Security and Cyber law | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC12 | Ethical Hacking | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC31 | File System Forensic Analysis | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE252 | Information Retrieval | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI152 | Multimedia Communications | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE322 | Multimedia Communications | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN21 | Multimedia Communications | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC13 | Pragmatic of Information Security | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC21 | Preserving and Recovering Digital Evidence | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE334 | Object Oriented Software Engineering | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT333 | Object Oriented Software Engineering | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE13 | Object Oriented Software Engineering | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE153 | Advances in Computer Architecture | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC154 | Application and Web Security | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS331 | Application and Web Security | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS254 | Advances in Digital Image Processing | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE31 | ARM Processors | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI251 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE21 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN252 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS21 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC331 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT31 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE322 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI153 | Ethernet Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN243 | Ethernet Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE253 | Decision Support System | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE154 | Distributed Operating System | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT154 | Distributed Operating System | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE152 | Distributed Operating System | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC323 | Mobile Device Forensics | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI13 | Network Programming | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI21 | Network Protocol Design | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI11 | Semantic Web and Social Networks | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT321 | Supply Chain Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE324 | Supply Chain Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS251 | Advances in Computer Graphics | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT251 | Advances in Computer Graphics | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE252 | Advances in Data Base Management System | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS13 | Advances in Data Base Management System | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT14 | Advances in Data Base Management System | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE151 | Advances in Data Base Management System | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE12 | Advances in Software Testing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI151 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE14 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN31 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS23 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT22 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE251 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE13 | Embedded Computing Systems | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS152 | Embedded Computing Systems | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC13 | Cyber Crime and Cyber Forensics | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC241 | Cyber Laws and Ethics | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN323 | Information Security Policies in Industry | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC243 | Information Security Policies in Industry | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI154 | Network Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN253 | Network Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE243 | Natural Language Processing and Text Mining | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS333 | Natural Language Processing and Text Mining | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI323 | Mobile Application Development | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN244 | Mobile Application Development | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC332 | Mobile Application Development | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT241 | Mobile Application Development | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC321 | Security Architecture Design | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI252 | Software Agents | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE333 | Software Defined Networks | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS22 | Advanced Algorithms | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE244 | Advanced Algorithms | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI321 | Advances in Computer Networks | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN12 | Advances in Computer Networks | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS151 | Advances in Computer Networks | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS243 | Business Intelligence and its Applications | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT252 | Business Intelligence and its Applications | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE332 | Database Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC252 | Database Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI253 | Bioinformatics | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT242 | Bioinformatics | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE254 | Computer Vision | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC253 | Enterprise Application Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT12 | Enterprise Application Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE22 | Enterprise Application Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS324 | Enterprise Application Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE22 | Multi Core Architecture and Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN152 | Multi Core Architecture and Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS152 | Multi Core Architecture and Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI322 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE321 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN324 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS31 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC254 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT322 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE334 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI333 | Cloud Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE331 | Cloud Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN154 | Cloud Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC152 | Cloud Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC22 | Operating System Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI332 | Social Network Analysis | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN153 | Social Network Analysis | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC333 | Social Network Analysis | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT153 | Service Oriented Architecture | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE14 | Service Oriented Architecture | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC23 | Secured Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI331 | Wireless Networks & Mobile Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE241 | Wireless Networks & Mobile Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN151 | Wireless Networks & Mobile Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS323 | Wireless Networks & Mobile Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN424 | Web Mining | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN333 | Web Engineering | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT324 | Web Engineering | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI324 | Wireless Sensor Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE251 | Wireless Sensor Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN251 | Wireless Sensor Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN242 | Switching & Statistical Multiplexing In Telecommunications | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI242 | Web Services | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT21 | Web Services | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE154 | Web Services | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI241 | Wireless Ad hoc Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN23 | Wireless Ad hoc Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC322 | Steganography and Digital Watermarking | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE21 | Software Project Planning & Management | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS332 | Software Project Planning & Management | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC334 | Software Metrics & Quality Assurance | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT243 | Software Metrics & Quality Assurance | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE242 | Software Metrics & Quality Assurance | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC244 | Trust Management in E-commerce | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE253 | Trust Management in E-commerce | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSC23 | Software Design Patterns | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS252 | Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT323 | Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE254 | Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE41 | Soft Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
CBCS Scheme
Subject Code | Subjects | Sem | Scheme | Branch |
16SFC151 | Access Control and Identity Management System | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE12 | Advanced Digital Design | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS242 | Agile Technologies | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE154 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS244 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC251 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT23 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE241 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN331 | Analysis of Computer Networks | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI31 | Client Server Programming | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT151 | Client Server Programming | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
18SCS153 | Data Compression | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
18SIT13 | Data Compression | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT152 | Information storage Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI12 | Information and Network Security | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN13 | Information and Network Security | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS253 | Information and Network Security | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI22 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE23 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN14 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS14 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE321 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI334 | Network Routing Algorithm | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN322 | Network Routing Algorithm | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC324 | Security Assessment and Verification | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI23 | Protocol Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN332 | Protocol Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE242 | Pattern Recognition | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI23 | Advanced Cryptography | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN332 | Advanced Cryptography | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI243 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE323 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN241 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS241 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT253 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE153 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE151 | Computer Systems Performance Analysis | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS12 | Advances in Operating Systems | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC242 | Biometric Security | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI244 | Cyber Security and Cyber law | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE244 | Cyber Security and Cyber law | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT244 | Cyber Security and Cyber law | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS334 | Cyber Security and Cyber law | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC12 | Ethical Hacking | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC31 | File System Forensic Analysis | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE252 | Information Retrieval | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI152 | Multimedia Communications | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE322 | Multimedia Communications | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN21 | Multimedia Communications | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC13 | Pragmatic of Information Security | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC21 | Preserving and Recovering Digital Evidence | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE334 | Object Oriented Software Engineering | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT333 | Object Oriented Software Engineering | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE13 | Object Oriented Software Engineering | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE153 | Advances in Computer Architecture | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC154 | Application and Web Security | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS331 | Application and Web Security | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS254 | Advances in Digital Image Processing | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE31 | ARM Processors | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI251 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE21 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN252 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS21 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC331 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT31 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE322 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI153 | Ethernet Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN243 | Ethernet Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE253 | Decision Support System | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE154 | Distributed Operating System | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT154 | Distributed Operating System | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE152 | Distributed Operating System | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC323 | Mobile Device Forensics | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI13 | Network Programming | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI21 | Network Protocol Design | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI11 | Semantic Web and Social Networks | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT321 | Supply Chain Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE324 | Supply Chain Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS251 | Advances in Computer Graphics | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT251 | Advances in Computer Graphics | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE252 | Advances in Data Base Management System | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS13 | Advances in Data Base Management System | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT14 | Advances in Data Base Management System | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE151 | Advances in Data Base Management System | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE12 | Advances in Software Testing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI151 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE14 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN31 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS23 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT22 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE251 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE13 | Embedded Computing Systems | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS152 | Embedded Computing Systems | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC13 | Cyber Crime and Cyber Forensics | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC241 | Cyber Laws and Ethics | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN323 | Information Security Policies in Industry | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC243 | Information Security Policies in Industry | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI154 | Network Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN253 | Network Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE243 | Natural Language Processing and Text Mining | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS333 | Natural Language Processing and Text Mining | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI323 | Mobile Application Development | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN244 | Mobile Application Development | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC332 | Mobile Application Development | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT241 | Mobile Application Development | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC321 | Security Architecture Design | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI252 | Software Agents | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE333 | Software Defined Networks | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS22 | Advanced Algorithms | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE244 | Advanced Algorithms | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI321 | Advances in Computer Networks | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN12 | Advances in Computer Networks | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS151 | Advances in Computer Networks | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS243 | Business Intelligence and its Applications | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT252 | Business Intelligence and its Applications | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE332 | Database Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC252 | Database Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI253 | Bioinformatics | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT242 | Bioinformatics | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE254 | Computer Vision | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC253 | Enterprise Application Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT12 | Enterprise Application Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE22 | Enterprise Application Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS324 | Enterprise Application Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE22 | Multi Core Architecture and Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN152 | Multi Core Architecture and Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS152 | Multi Core Architecture and Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI322 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE321 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN324 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS31 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC254 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT322 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE334 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI333 | Cloud Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE331 | Cloud Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN154 | Cloud Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC152 | Cloud Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC22 | Operating System Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI332 | Social Network Analysis | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN153 | Social Network Analysis | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC333 | Social Network Analysis | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT153 | Service Oriented Architecture | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE14 | Service Oriented Architecture | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC23 | Secured Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI331 | Wireless Networks & Mobile Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE241 | Wireless Networks & Mobile Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN151 | Wireless Networks & Mobile Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS323 | Wireless Networks & Mobile Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN424 | Web Mining | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN333 | Web Engineering | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT324 | Web Engineering | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI324 | Wireless Sensor Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE251 | Wireless Sensor Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN251 | Wireless Sensor Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN242 | Switching & Statistical Multiplexing In Telecommunications | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI242 | Web Services | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT21 | Web Services | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE154 | Web Services | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI241 | Wireless Ad hoc Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN23 | Wireless Ad hoc Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC322 | Steganography and Digital Watermarking | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE21 | Software Project Planning & Management | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS332 | Software Project Planning & Management | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC334 | Software Metrics & Quality Assurance | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT243 | Software Metrics & Quality Assurance | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE242 | Software Metrics & Quality Assurance | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC244 | Trust Management in E-commerce | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE253 | Trust Management in E-commerce | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSC23 | Software Design Patterns | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS252 | Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT323 | Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE254 | Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE41 | Soft Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
CBCS Scheme
Subject Code | Subjects | Sem | Scheme | Branch |
16SFC151 | Access Control and Identity Management System | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE12 | Advanced Digital Design | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS242 | Agile Technologies | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE154 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS244 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC251 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT23 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE241 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN331 | Analysis of Computer Networks | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI31 | Client Server Programming | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT151 | Client Server Programming | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
18SCS153 | Data Compression | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
18SIT13 | Data Compression | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT152 | Information storage Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI12 | Information and Network Security | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN13 | Information and Network Security | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS253 | Information and Network Security | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI22 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE23 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN14 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS14 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE321 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI334 | Network Routing Algorithm | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN322 | Network Routing Algorithm | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC324 | Security Assessment and Verification | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI23 | Protocol Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN332 | Protocol Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE242 | Pattern Recognition | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI23 | Advanced Cryptography | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN332 | Advanced Cryptography | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI243 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE323 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN241 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS241 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT253 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE153 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE151 | Computer Systems Performance Analysis | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS12 | Advances in Operating Systems | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC242 | Biometric Security | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI244 | Cyber Security and Cyber law | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE244 | Cyber Security and Cyber law | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT244 | Cyber Security and Cyber law | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS334 | Cyber Security and Cyber law | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC12 | Ethical Hacking | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC31 | File System Forensic Analysis | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE252 | Information Retrieval | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI152 | Multimedia Communications | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE322 | Multimedia Communications | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN21 | Multimedia Communications | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC13 | Pragmatic of Information Security | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC21 | Preserving and Recovering Digital Evidence | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE334 | Object Oriented Software Engineering | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT333 | Object Oriented Software Engineering | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE13 | Object Oriented Software Engineering | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE153 | Advances in Computer Architecture | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC154 | Application and Web Security | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS331 | Application and Web Security | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS254 | Advances in Digital Image Processing | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE31 | ARM Processors | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI251 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE21 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN252 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS21 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC331 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT31 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE322 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI153 | Ethernet Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN243 | Ethernet Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE253 | Decision Support System | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE154 | Distributed Operating System | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT154 | Distributed Operating System | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE152 | Distributed Operating System | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC323 | Mobile Device Forensics | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI13 | Network Programming | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI21 | Network Protocol Design | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI11 | Semantic Web and Social Networks | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT321 | Supply Chain Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE324 | Supply Chain Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS251 | Advances in Computer Graphics | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT251 | Advances in Computer Graphics | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE252 | Advances in Data Base Management System | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS13 | Advances in Data Base Management System | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT14 | Advances in Data Base Management System | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE151 | Advances in Data Base Management System | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE12 | Advances in Software Testing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI151 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE14 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN31 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS23 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT22 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE251 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE13 | Embedded Computing Systems | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS152 | Embedded Computing Systems | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC13 | Cyber Crime and Cyber Forensics | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC241 | Cyber Laws and Ethics | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN323 | Information Security Policies in Industry | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC243 | Information Security Policies in Industry | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI154 | Network Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN253 | Network Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE243 | Natural Language Processing and Text Mining | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS333 | Natural Language Processing and Text Mining | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI323 | Mobile Application Development | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN244 | Mobile Application Development | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC332 | Mobile Application Development | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT241 | Mobile Application Development | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC321 | Security Architecture Design | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI252 | Software Agents | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE333 | Software Defined Networks | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS22 | Advanced Algorithms | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE244 | Advanced Algorithms | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI321 | Advances in Computer Networks | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN12 | Advances in Computer Networks | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS151 | Advances in Computer Networks | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS243 | Business Intelligence and its Applications | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT252 | Business Intelligence and its Applications | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE332 | Database Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC252 | Database Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI253 | Bioinformatics | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT242 | Bioinformatics | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE254 | Computer Vision | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC253 | Enterprise Application Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT12 | Enterprise Application Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE22 | Enterprise Application Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS324 | Enterprise Application Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE22 | Multi Core Architecture and Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN152 | Multi Core Architecture and Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS152 | Multi Core Architecture and Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI322 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE321 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN324 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS31 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC254 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT322 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE334 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI333 | Cloud Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE331 | Cloud Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN154 | Cloud Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC152 | Cloud Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC22 | Operating System Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI332 | Social Network Analysis | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN153 | Social Network Analysis | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC333 | Social Network Analysis | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT153 | Service Oriented Architecture | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE14 | Service Oriented Architecture | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC23 | Secured Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI331 | Wireless Networks & Mobile Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE241 | Wireless Networks & Mobile Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN151 | Wireless Networks & Mobile Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS323 | Wireless Networks & Mobile Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN424 | Web Mining | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN333 | Web Engineering | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT324 | Web Engineering | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI324 | Wireless Sensor Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE251 | Wireless Sensor Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN251 | Wireless Sensor Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN242 | Switching & Statistical Multiplexing In Telecommunications | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI242 | Web Services | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT21 | Web Services | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE154 | Web Services | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI241 | Wireless Ad hoc Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN23 | Wireless Ad hoc Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC322 | Steganography and Digital Watermarking | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE21 | Software Project Planning & Management | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS332 | Software Project Planning & Management | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC334 | Software Metrics & Quality Assurance | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT243 | Software Metrics & Quality Assurance | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE242 | Software Metrics & Quality Assurance | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC244 | Trust Management in E-commerce | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE253 | Trust Management in E-commerce | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSC23 | Software Design Patterns | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS252 | Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT323 | Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE254 | Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE41 | Soft Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
CBCS Scheme
Subject Code | Subjects | Sem | Scheme | Branch |
16SFC151 | Access Control and Identity Management System | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE12 | Advanced Digital Design | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS242 | Agile Technologies | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE154 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS244 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC251 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT23 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE241 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN331 | Analysis of Computer Networks | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI31 | Client Server Programming | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT151 | Client Server Programming | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
18SCS153 | Data Compression | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
18SIT13 | Data Compression | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT152 | Information storage Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI12 | Information and Network Security | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN13 | Information and Network Security | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS253 | Information and Network Security | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI22 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE23 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN14 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS14 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE321 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI334 | Network Routing Algorithm | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN322 | Network Routing Algorithm | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC324 | Security Assessment and Verification | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI23 | Protocol Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN332 | Protocol Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE242 | Pattern Recognition | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI23 | Advanced Cryptography | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN332 | Advanced Cryptography | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI243 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE323 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN241 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS241 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT253 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE153 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE151 | Computer Systems Performance Analysis | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS12 | Advances in Operating Systems | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC242 | Biometric Security | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI244 | Cyber Security and Cyber law | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE244 | Cyber Security and Cyber law | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT244 | Cyber Security and Cyber law | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS334 | Cyber Security and Cyber law | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC12 | Ethical Hacking | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC31 | File System Forensic Analysis | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE252 | Information Retrieval | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI152 | Multimedia Communications | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE322 | Multimedia Communications | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN21 | Multimedia Communications | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC13 | Pragmatic of Information Security | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC21 | Preserving and Recovering Digital Evidence | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE334 | Object Oriented Software Engineering | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT333 | Object Oriented Software Engineering | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE13 | Object Oriented Software Engineering | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE153 | Advances in Computer Architecture | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC154 | Application and Web Security | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS331 | Application and Web Security | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS254 | Advances in Digital Image Processing | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE31 | ARM Processors | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI251 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE21 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN252 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS21 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC331 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT31 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE322 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI153 | Ethernet Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN243 | Ethernet Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE253 | Decision Support System | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE154 | Distributed Operating System | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT154 | Distributed Operating System | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE152 | Distributed Operating System | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC323 | Mobile Device Forensics | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI13 | Network Programming | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI21 | Network Protocol Design | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI11 | Semantic Web and Social Networks | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT321 | Supply Chain Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE324 | Supply Chain Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS251 | Advances in Computer Graphics | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT251 | Advances in Computer Graphics | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE252 | Advances in Data Base Management System | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS13 | Advances in Data Base Management System | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT14 | Advances in Data Base Management System | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE151 | Advances in Data Base Management System | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE12 | Advances in Software Testing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI151 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE14 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN31 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS23 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT22 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE251 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE13 | Embedded Computing Systems | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS152 | Embedded Computing Systems | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC13 | Cyber Crime and Cyber Forensics | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC241 | Cyber Laws and Ethics | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN323 | Information Security Policies in Industry | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC243 | Information Security Policies in Industry | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI154 | Network Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN253 | Network Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE243 | Natural Language Processing and Text Mining | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS333 | Natural Language Processing and Text Mining | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI323 | Mobile Application Development | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN244 | Mobile Application Development | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC332 | Mobile Application Development | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT241 | Mobile Application Development | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC321 | Security Architecture Design | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI252 | Software Agents | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE333 | Software Defined Networks | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS22 | Advanced Algorithms | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE244 | Advanced Algorithms | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI321 | Advances in Computer Networks | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN12 | Advances in Computer Networks | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS151 | Advances in Computer Networks | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS243 | Business Intelligence and its Applications | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT252 | Business Intelligence and its Applications | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE332 | Database Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC252 | Database Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI253 | Bioinformatics | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT242 | Bioinformatics | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE254 | Computer Vision | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC253 | Enterprise Application Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT12 | Enterprise Application Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE22 | Enterprise Application Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS324 | Enterprise Application Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE22 | Multi Core Architecture and Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN152 | Multi Core Architecture and Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS152 | Multi Core Architecture and Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI322 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE321 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN324 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS31 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC254 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT322 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE334 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI333 | Cloud Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE331 | Cloud Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN154 | Cloud Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC152 | Cloud Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC22 | Operating System Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI332 | Social Network Analysis | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN153 | Social Network Analysis | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC333 | Social Network Analysis | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT153 | Service Oriented Architecture | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE14 | Service Oriented Architecture | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC23 | Secured Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI331 | Wireless Networks & Mobile Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE241 | Wireless Networks & Mobile Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN151 | Wireless Networks & Mobile Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS323 | Wireless Networks & Mobile Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN424 | Web Mining | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN333 | Web Engineering | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT324 | Web Engineering | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI324 | Wireless Sensor Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE251 | Wireless Sensor Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN251 | Wireless Sensor Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN242 | Switching & Statistical Multiplexing In Telecommunications | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI242 | Web Services | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT21 | Web Services | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE154 | Web Services | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI241 | Wireless Ad hoc Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN23 | Wireless Ad hoc Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC322 | Steganography and Digital Watermarking | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE21 | Software Project Planning & Management | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS332 | Software Project Planning & Management | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC334 | Software Metrics & Quality Assurance | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT243 | Software Metrics & Quality Assurance | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE242 | Software Metrics & Quality Assurance | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC244 | Trust Management in E-commerce | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE253 | Trust Management in E-commerce | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSC23 | Software Design Patterns | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS252 | Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT323 | Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE254 | Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE41 | Soft Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
CBCS Scheme
Subject Code | Subjects | Sem | Scheme | Branch |
16SFC151 | Access Control and Identity Management System | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE12 | Advanced Digital Design | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS242 | Agile Technologies | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE154 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS244 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC251 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT23 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE241 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN331 | Analysis of Computer Networks | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI31 | Client Server Programming | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT151 | Client Server Programming | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
18SCS153 | Data Compression | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
18SIT13 | Data Compression | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT152 | Information storage Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI12 | Information and Network Security | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN13 | Information and Network Security | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS253 | Information and Network Security | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI22 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE23 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN14 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS14 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE321 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI334 | Network Routing Algorithm | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN322 | Network Routing Algorithm | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC324 | Security Assessment and Verification | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI23 | Protocol Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN332 | Protocol Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE242 | Pattern Recognition | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI23 | Advanced Cryptography | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN332 | Advanced Cryptography | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI243 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE323 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN241 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS241 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT253 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE153 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE151 | Computer Systems Performance Analysis | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS12 | Advances in Operating Systems | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC242 | Biometric Security | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI244 | Cyber Security and Cyber law | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE244 | Cyber Security and Cyber law | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT244 | Cyber Security and Cyber law | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS334 | Cyber Security and Cyber law | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC12 | Ethical Hacking | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC31 | File System Forensic Analysis | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE252 | Information Retrieval | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI152 | Multimedia Communications | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE322 | Multimedia Communications | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN21 | Multimedia Communications | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC13 | Pragmatic of Information Security | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC21 | Preserving and Recovering Digital Evidence | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE334 | Object Oriented Software Engineering | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT333 | Object Oriented Software Engineering | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE13 | Object Oriented Software Engineering | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE153 | Advances in Computer Architecture | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC154 | Application and Web Security | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS331 | Application and Web Security | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS254 | Advances in Digital Image Processing | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE31 | ARM Processors | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI251 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE21 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN252 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS21 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC331 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT31 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE322 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI153 | Ethernet Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN243 | Ethernet Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE253 | Decision Support System | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE154 | Distributed Operating System | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT154 | Distributed Operating System | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE152 | Distributed Operating System | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC323 | Mobile Device Forensics | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI13 | Network Programming | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI21 | Network Protocol Design | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI11 | Semantic Web and Social Networks | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT321 | Supply Chain Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE324 | Supply Chain Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS251 | Advances in Computer Graphics | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT251 | Advances in Computer Graphics | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE252 | Advances in Data Base Management System | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS13 | Advances in Data Base Management System | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT14 | Advances in Data Base Management System | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE151 | Advances in Data Base Management System | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE12 | Advances in Software Testing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI151 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE14 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN31 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS23 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT22 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE251 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE13 | Embedded Computing Systems | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS152 | Embedded Computing Systems | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC13 | Cyber Crime and Cyber Forensics | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC241 | Cyber Laws and Ethics | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN323 | Information Security Policies in Industry | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC243 | Information Security Policies in Industry | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI154 | Network Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN253 | Network Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE243 | Natural Language Processing and Text Mining | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS333 | Natural Language Processing and Text Mining | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI323 | Mobile Application Development | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN244 | Mobile Application Development | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC332 | Mobile Application Development | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT241 | Mobile Application Development | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC321 | Security Architecture Design | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI252 | Software Agents | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE333 | Software Defined Networks | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS22 | Advanced Algorithms | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE244 | Advanced Algorithms | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI321 | Advances in Computer Networks | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN12 | Advances in Computer Networks | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS151 | Advances in Computer Networks | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS243 | Business Intelligence and its Applications | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT252 | Business Intelligence and its Applications | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE332 | Database Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC252 | Database Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI253 | Bioinformatics | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT242 | Bioinformatics | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE254 | Computer Vision | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC253 | Enterprise Application Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT12 | Enterprise Application Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE22 | Enterprise Application Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS324 | Enterprise Application Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE22 | Multi Core Architecture and Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN152 | Multi Core Architecture and Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS152 | Multi Core Architecture and Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI322 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE321 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN324 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS31 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC254 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT322 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE334 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI333 | Cloud Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE331 | Cloud Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN154 | Cloud Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC152 | Cloud Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC22 | Operating System Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI332 | Social Network Analysis | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN153 | Social Network Analysis | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC333 | Social Network Analysis | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT153 | Service Oriented Architecture | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE14 | Service Oriented Architecture | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC23 | Secured Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI331 | Wireless Networks & Mobile Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE241 | Wireless Networks & Mobile Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN151 | Wireless Networks & Mobile Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS323 | Wireless Networks & Mobile Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN424 | Web Mining | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN333 | Web Engineering | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT324 | Web Engineering | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI324 | Wireless Sensor Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE251 | Wireless Sensor Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN251 | Wireless Sensor Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN242 | Switching & Statistical Multiplexing In Telecommunications | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI242 | Web Services | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT21 | Web Services | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE154 | Web Services | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI241 | Wireless Ad hoc Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN23 | Wireless Ad hoc Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC322 | Steganography and Digital Watermarking | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE21 | Software Project Planning & Management | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS332 | Software Project Planning & Management | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC334 | Software Metrics & Quality Assurance | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT243 | Software Metrics & Quality Assurance | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE242 | Software Metrics & Quality Assurance | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC244 | Trust Management in E-commerce | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE253 | Trust Management in E-commerce | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSC23 | Software Design Patterns | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS252 | Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT323 | Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE254 | Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE41 | Soft Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
CBCS Scheme
Subject Code | Subjects | Sem | Scheme | Branch |
16SFC151 | Access Control and Identity Management System | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE12 | Advanced Digital Design | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS242 | Agile Technologies | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE154 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS244 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC251 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT23 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE241 | Data Mining & Data Warehousing | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN331 | Analysis of Computer Networks | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI31 | Client Server Programming | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT151 | Client Server Programming | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
18SCS153 | Data Compression | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
18SIT13 | Data Compression | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT152 | Information storage Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI12 | Information and Network Security | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN13 | Information and Network Security | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS253 | Information and Network Security | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI22 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE23 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN14 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS14 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE321 | Internet of Things | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI334 | Network Routing Algorithm | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN322 | Network Routing Algorithm | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC324 | Security Assessment and Verification | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI23 | Protocol Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN332 | Protocol Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE242 | Pattern Recognition | 1 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI23 | Advanced Cryptography | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN332 | Advanced Cryptography | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI243 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE323 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN241 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS241 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT253 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE153 | Advances in Storage Area Network | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE151 | Computer Systems Performance Analysis | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS12 | Advances in Operating Systems | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC242 | Biometric Security | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI244 | Cyber Security and Cyber law | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE244 | Cyber Security and Cyber law | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT244 | Cyber Security and Cyber law | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS334 | Cyber Security and Cyber law | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC12 | Ethical Hacking | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC31 | File System Forensic Analysis | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE252 | Information Retrieval | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI152 | Multimedia Communications | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE322 | Multimedia Communications | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN21 | Multimedia Communications | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC13 | Pragmatic of Information Security | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC21 | Preserving and Recovering Digital Evidence | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE334 | Object Oriented Software Engineering | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT333 | Object Oriented Software Engineering | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE13 | Object Oriented Software Engineering | 2 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE153 | Advances in Computer Architecture | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC154 | Application and Web Security | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS331 | Application and Web Security | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS254 | Advances in Digital Image Processing | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE31 | ARM Processors | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI251 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE21 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN252 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS21 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC331 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT31 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE322 | Managing Big Data | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI153 | Ethernet Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN243 | Ethernet Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE253 | Decision Support System | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE154 | Distributed Operating System | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT154 | Distributed Operating System | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE152 | Distributed Operating System | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC323 | Mobile Device Forensics | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI13 | Network Programming | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI21 | Network Protocol Design | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI11 | Semantic Web and Social Networks | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT321 | Supply Chain Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE324 | Supply Chain Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS251 | Advances in Computer Graphics | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT251 | Advances in Computer Graphics | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE252 | Advances in Data Base Management System | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS13 | Advances in Data Base Management System | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT14 | Advances in Data Base Management System | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE151 | Advances in Data Base Management System | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE12 | Advances in Software Testing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI151 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE14 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN31 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS23 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT22 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE251 | Cloud Computing | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE13 | Embedded Computing Systems | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS152 | Embedded Computing Systems | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC13 | Cyber Crime and Cyber Forensics | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC241 | Cyber Laws and Ethics | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN323 | Information Security Policies in Industry | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC243 | Information Security Policies in Industry | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI154 | Network Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN253 | Network Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE243 | Natural Language Processing and Text Mining | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS333 | Natural Language Processing and Text Mining | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI323 | Mobile Application Development | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN244 | Mobile Application Development | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC332 | Mobile Application Development | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT241 | Mobile Application Development | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC321 | Security Architecture Design | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI252 | Software Agents | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE333 | Software Defined Networks | 4 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS22 | Advanced Algorithms | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE244 | Advanced Algorithms | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI321 | Advances in Computer Networks | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN12 | Advances in Computer Networks | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS151 | Advances in Computer Networks | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS243 | Business Intelligence and its Applications | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT252 | Business Intelligence and its Applications | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE332 | Database Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC252 | Database Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI253 | Bioinformatics | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT242 | Bioinformatics | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE254 | Computer Vision | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC253 | Enterprise Application Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT12 | Enterprise Application Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE22 | Enterprise Application Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS324 | Enterprise Application Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE22 | Multi Core Architecture and Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN152 | Multi Core Architecture and Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS152 | Multi Core Architecture and Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI322 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE321 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN324 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS31 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC254 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT322 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE334 | Machine Learning Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI333 | Cloud Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE331 | Cloud Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN154 | Cloud Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC152 | Cloud Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC22 | Operating System Security | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI332 | Social Network Analysis | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN153 | Social Network Analysis | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC333 | Social Network Analysis | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT153 | Service Oriented Architecture | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE14 | Service Oriented Architecture | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC23 | Secured Programming | 5 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI331 | Wireless Networks & Mobile Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE241 | Wireless Networks & Mobile Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN151 | Wireless Networks & Mobile Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS323 | Wireless Networks & Mobile Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN424 | Web Mining | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN333 | Web Engineering | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT324 | Web Engineering | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI324 | Wireless Sensor Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCE251 | Wireless Sensor Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN251 | Wireless Sensor Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN242 | Switching & Statistical Multiplexing In Telecommunications | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI242 | Web Services | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT21 | Web Services | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE154 | Web Services | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16LNI241 | Wireless Ad hoc Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCN23 | Wireless Ad hoc Networks | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC322 | Steganography and Digital Watermarking | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE21 | Software Project Planning & Management | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS332 | Software Project Planning & Management | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC334 | Software Metrics & Quality Assurance | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT243 | Software Metrics & Quality Assurance | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE242 | Software Metrics & Quality Assurance | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SFC244 | Trust Management in E-commerce | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE253 | Trust Management in E-commerce | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSC23 | Software Design Patterns | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SCS252 | Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SIT323 | Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE254 | Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |
16SSE41 | Soft Computing | 6 | 2017 | PHDCS |