18AE52 Aerodynamics-II syllabus for AE

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 One Dimensional Compressible Flow 0 hours

One Dimensional Compressible Flow: Energy, Momentum, continuity and state equations, velocity of sound, Adiabatic steady state flow equations, Flow through converging, diverging passages, Performance under various back pressures. Numericals.

Module-2 Normal Shock 0 hours

Normal Shock: Prandtl Meyer equation and Rankine – Hugonoit relation, Normal shock equations: Property ratios in terms of upstream Mach number, Numericals, Moving Normal Shock wave.

Module-3 Oblique shocks and Expansion waves 0 hours

Oblique shocks and Expansion waves: Prandtl equation and Rankine – Hugonoit relation, Normal shock equations, Pitot static tube, corrections for subsonic and supersonic flows, Oblique shocks and corresponding equations, Hodograph and pressure turning angle, shock polars, flow past wedges and concave corners, strong, weak and detached shocks, Flow past convex corners, Prandtl –Meyer expansion function, Reflection and interaction of shocks and expansion, waves, Families of shocks. Basics of Fanno and Rayleigh Flow.

Module-4 Differential Equations of Motion for Steady Compressible Flows 0 hours

Differential Equations of Motion for Steady Compressible Flows: Basic potential equations for compressible flow. Linearisation of potential equation-small perturbation theory. Methods for solution of nonlinear potential equation –Introduction, Method of characteristics, Boundary conditions, Pressure coefficient expression, small perturbation equation for compressible flow - Prandtl, Glauret and Geothert's rules - Ackert's supersonic airfoil theory, Von-Karman rule for transonic flow, Lift, drag pitching moment and center of pressure of supersonic profiles.

Module-5 Measurements in High speed Flow 0 hours

Measurements in High speed Flow: Types of subsonic wind tunnels - Balances and measurements - Interference effects- transonic, Supersonic and hypersonic wind tunnels and characteristic features, their operation and performance - Shock tubes and shock tunnels - Free flight testing - Measurements of pressure, velocity and Mach number -Flow visualization methods of subsonic and supersonic flows.


Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

1. CO1: Utilize the concepts of compressible flow and shock phenomenon

2. CO2: Apply knowledge of oblique shock and expansion wave formation.

3. CO3: Measure the parameters high speed flow.


Question paper pattern:

  • The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
  • Each full question will be for 20 marks.
  • There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
  • Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
  • The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.



1 Modern Compressible Flow John D Anderson Mc Graw Hill 3rd edition, 2012

2 Gas Dynamics Radhakrishnan,E Prentice Hall of India 5th edition,2014


Reference Books

1 Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible fluid flow Ascher. H. Saphiro John Wiley & Sons 1st edition,1977

2 Fundamentals of Compressible flow Yahya, S.M NEW AGE 2009

3 Elements of Gas Dynamics H.W. Liepmann and A. Roshko Dover Publications Inc 2003

4 Compressible Fluid Dynamics with Computer Application Hodge B. K, Koenig K Prentice Hall, New York 1st edition,1995

5 Elements of gas dynamics Zucrow, M.J. and Anderson, J.D McGraw - Hill Book Co., New York 1989

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023