Carburetor principal, Properties of air-petrol mixtures, Mixture requirements for steady state and transientoperation, Mixture formation studies of volatile fuels, design of elementary carburetor, Chokes, Effects ofaltitude on carburetion, Carburetor for 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines, carburetor systems for emissioncontrol.
Petrol Injection Systems: Direct Injection, Indirect Injection, Injection considerations,Comparison of petrolinjection and Carburetted fuel supply systems, K-jetronic fuel injectionsystem(Bosch), Ignition system.
Types, constructional features and operation, Factors influencing fuel spray atomization,penetration anddispersion of diesel and heavy oils and their properties, rate and duration of injection, fuel line hydraulics.
CRDI, Inline Fuel Injection Pumps, Filters, transfer pumps (fuel feed pumps), injectors and nozzles – types,functions and necessities, fuel injection pump principle, ratio of piston displacement to fuel charge volume,delivery characteristics, injection lag, pressure waves in fuel lines.
Intake system components, Discharge coefficient, Pressure drop, Air filter, Intake manifold, Connectingpipe, Exhaust system components, Exhaust manifold and exhaust pipe, Spark arresters, Waste heatrecovery, Exhaust mufflers, Type of mufflers, exhaust manifold expansion.
Necessity, variation of gas temperature, Areas oh heat flow, heat transfer, piston and cylinder temperature,.Heat rejected to coolant, quantity of water required, cooling system, air cooling, water cooling,thermodynamics of forced circulation, thermostats, pressurized water cooling, regenerative cooling,comparison of air and water cooling, radiators – types, cooling fan – power requirement, antifreeze solution,types of coolant
Lubricants, lubricating systems, Lubrication of piston rings, bearings, oil consumption, Oil cooling. Heattransfer coefficients, liquid and air cooled engines, coolants, additives and lubricity improvers, concept ofadiabatic engines, oil filters, pumps, and crankcase ventilation – types.
Purpose, thermodynamic cycle, effect on the performance, turbo charging, limits of supercharging for petroland diesel engines. Modifications of an engine for super charging - methods of super charging – supercharging and turbo charging of two stroke and four stroke engines.