Exhaustible sources - crude oil, Natural gas, Inexhaustible sources - Solar energy, Wind power, TidalPower, Geo-thermal power. Energy from Bio-gas, Synthetic fuels – Fuel Cells, Hydrogen- only a briefintroduction.
Origin of petroleum, its chemistry, normal paraffin’s, isoparaffins, olefins, naphthalene and aromatics.Refining of petroleum: Fractional distillation, Cracking, Reforming process, Thermal reforming,polymerization, alkylation, and isomerisation. Properties and tests : Specific Gravity, viscosity, flash andfire points, calorific value, rating of fuels, vapour pressure, cloud and pour point, annealing point, dieselindex, carbon residue and ash content determination
Combustion equation, conversion of gravimetric to volumetric analysis. Determination of theoreticalminimum quantity of air for complete combustion. Determination of air fuel ratio for a given fuel.Numerical problems, flue gas analysis, gas Chromatograph.
Properties and rating of fuels, chemical energy of fuels, Reaction Equation, Properties of A/F mixture,combustion temp, combustion charts, Lead free gasoline’s, low and ultra – low sulphur diesels, LPG, CNG,Alcohols, Biodiesels, Gaseous Fuel Injections, Dual Fueling and Controls – CNG and Gasoline, Hydrogenand Diesel, Alcohols and Diesels etc.ENGINE PERFORMANCE: Performance parameters BHP, FHP, IHP, specific fuel consumption,volumetric efficiency, Thermal efficiency, heat Balance sheet, Testing of Engines, Numerical problems
Otto, Diesel, Dual, sterling and Brayton cycles, comparison of air standard, fuel air and actual cycles, simpleproblems on the above topics. Rotary engines. Stirling engine, Stratified charge engine
Initiation of combustion, flame velocities, effect of variables on flame propagation, normal and abnormalcombustion, knocking combustion, pre-ignition, knock and engine variables, detonation, effects of enginevariables on combustion, control of detonation, CFR engine, features and design consideration ofcombustion chambers, stratified charge combustion, concepts of lean burn engines, heat release correlations
Various stages of combustion, vaporization of fuel droplets and spray formation, air motion, swirl, squish,tumble flow, velocities, swirl measurement, and delay period correlations, diesel knock and enginevariables, features and design considerations of combustion chambers, types, heat release correlations.
Combustion in dual fuel engines, Factor affecting combustion. Main types of gaseous fuels, Superchargeknock control & Performance of diesel fuel engines. Characteristics of multi fuel engines, Modification offuel system, suitability of various engines as multi fuel unit, performance of multi fuel engines.