Study of hand tools- sketching, materials used and their applications.
Writing technical specifications and description of all types of automobile engines.
Study of traffic rules as per M.V. Act 1988 and driving practice of four wheel vehicle.
Trouble shooting charts for all engine components.
Note the specifications of given engines and component standard dimensions. Dismantle & assemble ofengine components of SI and CI engines (Two stroke and four stroke engines) of any commercial vehicles,using special tools needed. Note procedure of dismantling & assembly; identify the major components,noting their functions & materials used. Measurement & comparison of major components dimension withstandard specifications. Inspection for wear and tear, crack, breakdown. Identify the service requirements ofengine, such as decarburizing, degreasing, sparkplug cleaning, fuel injector cleaning, etc.
Compression test, vacuum test on diesel and petrol engines.
Study (Dismantling & assembly): Different carburetors, fuel injection pumps, injectors, fuel tanks, fuelfilters, fuel pumps, turbo-chargers, cooling systems and lubricating systems. Identify location of abovecomponents in a vehicle and note their functions along with the brand names.