Crystal Structure:BCC, FCC and HCP Structures, coordination number and atomic packingfactors, crystal imperfections –point, line and surface imperfections. AtomicDiffusion: Phenomenon, Flick\'s laws of diffusion, factors affecting diffusion.Mechanical Behavior:Stress-strain diagram for ductile and brittle materials, True stress and truestrain, linear and non linear elastic behavior and properties, mechanicalproperties in plastic range, yield strength, offset yield strength, ductility,ultimate tensile strength, and toughness. Plastic deformation of single crystalby slip and twinning.
Fracture: Type I, Type II and Type III.Creep: Description of the phenomenon with examples, three stages of creep,creep properties, stress relaxation.Fatigue: Types of fatigue loading with examples, Mechanism of fatigue,fatigue properties, fatigue testing and S-N diagram.
Solidification and Solid Solutions: Mechanism of solidification,Homogenous and Heterogeneous nucleation, crystal growth, cast metalstructures, solid solutions- types and rules governing the formation of solidsolutions.Phase Diagram:Basic terms, phase rule, lever rule, cooling curves, construction andinterpretation of different phase diagrams ( eutectic, eutectoid, peritecticand peritectoid)
Heat Treatment of Metals:TTT curves, continuous cooling curves, annealing and its types.normalizing, hardening, tempering, martempering, austempering,hardenability, surface hardening methods like carburizing, cyaniding,nitriding, flarne hardening and induction hardening, age hardening ofAluminium-copper alloys.Ferrous Materials: Properties, Composition and uses of Grey cast iron,malleable iron, S.G iron and steelNon Ferrous Metals: Copper alloys-brasses and bronzes. Aluminumalloys-Al-Cu, Al-Si, Al-Zn alloys.
Composite Materials: Definition, classification, types of matrix materials& reinforcements, fundamentals of production of FRP\' and MMC\'sadvantages and application of composites.Other Materials: Brief description of other materials such as optical andthermal materials Smart materials – fiber optic materials, piezo-electrics,shape memory alloys Shape Memory Alloys – Nitinol, superelasticity,Biological applications of smart materials - materials used as implants inhuman Body, Selection of Materials, Performance of materials in serviceResidual life assessment – use of non-destructive testing, Economics,Environment and Sustainability.