Stress and Strain:Introduction, Hooke’s law, Calculation of stresses in straight, Steppedand tapered sections, Composite sections, Stresses due to temperaturechange, Shear stress and strain, Lateral strain and Poisson’s ratio,Generalized Hooke’s law, Bulk modulus, Relationship between elasticconstants.
Analysis of Stress and Strain: Plane stress, Stresses on inclined planes,Principal stresses and maximum shear stress, Principal angles, Shearstresses on principal planes, Maximum shear tress, Mohr circle for planestress conditions.Cylinders:Thin cylinder: Hoop’s stress, maximum shear stress,circumferential and longitudinal strains, Thick cylinders: Lamesequations.
Shear Forces and Bending Moments: Type of beams, Loads andreactions, Relationship between loads, shear forces and bendingmoments, Shear force and bending moments of cantilever beams, Pinsupport and roller supported beams subjected to concentrated loads anduniformly distributed constant / varying loads.Stress in Beams:Pure bending, Curvature of a beam, Longitudinalstrains in beams, Normal stresses in Beams with rectangular, circular,‘I’and ‘T’ cross sections, Flexure Formula, Bending Stresses, Deflection ofbeams (Curvature).
Torsion: Circular solid and hallow shafts, Torsional moment ofresistance, Power transmission of straight and stepped shafts, Twist inshaft sections, Thin tubular sections, Thin walled sections.Columns: Buckling and stability, Critical load, Columns with pinnedends, Columns with other support conditions, Effective length ofcolumns and Secant formula for columns.
Strain Energy:Castigliano’s theorem I and II, Load deformationdiagram, Strain energy due to normal stresses, Shear stresses, Modulusof resilience, Strain energy due to bending and torsion.Theories of Failure: Maximum Principal stress theory, Maximum shearstress theory.