18ARC34 History of Architecture-III syllabus for BARCH

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Introduction to Renaissance Architecture 0 hours

1) Introduction to Renaissance Architecture:

Background and influences on Renaissance Architecture. Characteristics of Renaissance Architecture in general. Monumental, public and residential spaces.


2) Renaissance Architecture Examples:

St Andrea, Mantua and Palazzo Rucellai by Leon Alberti, Villa Rotunda (Capra) by Palladio, (New) St Peter‟s Rome by Michelangelo and others, St Paul‟s London by Sir Christopher Wren. Baroque Architecture: General characteristics of Baroque. Eg: St Peter‟s Piazza by Bernini. Monumental, public and residential spaces.


3) 1750-1900 Transitional Period Architecture:

A brief account of the situation before the changeover to Modern architecture in Europe. Palladian Revival in Britain, Greek revival and Gothic Revival. Transitional Period Examples: Chiswick House, London, Mereworth castle, Kent, St Pancras Church, London, West Minister Palace, London, Arc de Triomphe, Paris. Monumental, public and residential spaces.

Module-2 Impact of Industrial Revolution in Europe 0 hours

4) Impact of Industrial Revolution in Europe:

The Social, economic and political changes effected, new requirements, fuctions, new materials and technological developments. New proto types- Ex. Bridges, Expositions, Factories and Railway stations-Use of metal and glass. palace. Monumental, public and residential spaces.

5) Early Modern Architecture I:

Modern movement-Arts and crafts, Art-Noveau, Italian futurism-The Chicago School and rise of early sky scrapers-Ex Monadnock building, Carson pierre Scott, store in NewYork-Public and private spaces Casa Mila, , Sagrada Familia church etc.

Module-3 Early Modern Architecture II 0 hours

6) Early Modern Architecture II:

Destijl movement, Brutalian and Bahaus, Schroder House, Ronchamp, Modern sky scraper, Mies Van der Rohe ( Glass and Steel), Bahaus School design-Examples for the above movements for Public and private spaces and Monumental approach( eg Sky scrapers)- IIT Campus buildings- Public and private spaces.

7) Modern Architecture III:

Influence of concepts and ideas generated by FL Wright - Robie House, Falling Waters, Guggenheim Museum, Johnson Wax Tower. Le Corbusier-Villa Savoy, Domino House, Five points of Architecture. Mies Van der Rohe-Less is more, minimalism, Glass and steel tower - Seagram.

8) Modern Architecture IV:

Walter Gropius, Bahaus building, Fagus shoe Factory, Harward campus, Team approach. Louis Sullivan-Chicago Auditorium, Wain Wright Building, Theory of Sky scrapers. Alvar Aalto and his works.

Module-4 Modern Architecture V 0 hours

9) Modern Architecture V:

International style, works of Eero Sarinen- TWA and Kennedy Airports. Richard Neutra- Lovell Beach House. Phillip Johnson- Glass House, Museum Building. Oscar Niemeyar-Work in Brazilia- Legislature building and Church. Monumental, public and private spaces.


10) Modern Movement-VI:

New Ideas – Archigram Britain-Walking City, Floating City etc. Kenzo Tange- Japan-Floating City and Shimbon Office Building. Moshe Safdie- Housing in Isreal. Sir Buck Minster Fuller-US Pavilion in Expo-67, Dymaxion Car, Bucki Dome- Public and private Building and spaces.

Module-5 Modern Movement-VII 0 hours

11) Modern Movement-VII:

Brutalism- Works of Le Corbusier, Peter and Allison Smith, James Sterling-Udse of Raw concrete, Ronchamp, Nun”s Quarters-Lyon, Library-Oxford University, elementary School by Smithsons- development of Corporate Sky Scrapers- NewYork- Having multiple uses and tinted glass cladding, Rock Feller Centre-NewYork-Public and Private examples.

12) Modern Movement-VIII:

Parallel movement-Soviet Union of 1920‟s- Constructivist movement, Modernism and works of Vladimir Tatlin- contributions of Engineers like Pierre Luigi Nervi- Rome Olympic Buildings, Pirelli Tower Italy, Gaustav Eiffel-Eiffel Tower, bridges, Statue of Liberty base, Candela etc.

NOTE : Progressive Marks A) individual presentation by a Student on one topic. B) Group studies of chosen issues. C) Impact of modernism on India.



1) Frampton Kenneth ; “Modern Architecture – A Critical History”.

2) Fletcher, Bannister ; “A History of Architecture”.

3) Siegfried Gideon ; "Time, Space and Architecture".

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023