18ARC36 Theory of Architecture-I syllabus for BARCH

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Definition of Art and role of Art in Society 0 hours

1. Definition of Art and role of Art in Society:

Role and meaning of art, various types of arts-fine arts, performing arts, commercial arts, industrial arts, folk arts, abstract art, visual arts, spatial arts, temporal arts, pop art etc., relationship of architecture with other arts like Painting and Sculpture.


2. Principles of Aesthetics and Architectural Composition -1 –

Unity, Balance, Proportion, Scale in Architectural composition. Illustrations and its application to the practice of design with historical as well as contemporary buildings.

Module-2 Principles of Aesthetics and Architectural Composition -2 0 hours

3. Principles of Aesthetics and Architectural Composition -2:

Contrast, harmony, accentuation, restraint in Architectural composition. Illustrations and its application to the practice of design in historical as well as contemporary building.


4. Principles of Aesthetics and Architectural Composition -3:

Repose, vitality, strength in Architectural composition. Illustrations and its application to the practice of design in historical as well as contemporary building.

Module-3 Organizing principles of Aesthetics and Architectural Composition -1 0 hours

5. Organizing principles of Aesthetics and Architectural Composition -1:

Symmetry, asymmetry, hierarchy, datum, axis, rhythm in Aesthetics and Architectural Composition and its application to the practice of design.

6. Spatial organizations of Masses in Architecture -1:

Centralized and clustered; Illustrations of centralized and clustered massing in spatial organizations of masses in Architecture and its application to the practice of design with both historical as well as contemporary buildings.

Module-4 Spatial organizations of Masses in Architecture -2 0 hours

7. Spatial organizations of Masses in Architecture -2:

linear, radial, grid organization. Illustrations of linear, radial, grid organization in spatial organizations of masses in Architecture and its application to the practice of design with both historical as well as contemporary buildings.


8. Ornamentation in Architecture:

Historical perspective of the use of ornament in buildings and use of ornament as a decoration to embellish parts of a building. Use and need of ornament in architectural design – different types of ornamentation in buildings.


9. Ornamentation in Architecture Criticism–

Argument against ornamentation. Ideas of architect Adolf Loos (Ornament and Crime); Ornaments as economically inefficient and morally degenerate, reduction of ornament or lack of decoration as the sign of an advanced society.

Module-5 Materials, Materiality and Tectonics 0 hours

10. Materials, Materiality and Tectonics:

Aesthetic and structural potentials in Architecture of materials like brick, timber, stone, concrete, glass.


11. Style in Architecture:

Basis for classification of styles including chronology of styles arrangement according to order that changes over time. Evolution of styles; reflecting the emergence of new ideas as reaction to earlier styles as a result of changing of fashions, beliefs, technology etc.


12. Perceptions in Architecture:

Experience of architecture in basic psychological and physiological terms. Way in which human minds and bodies respond to space, light, texture, color, and other architectural elements.



1. Form, Space and Order” by Francis DK Ching

2. Design Fundamentals in Architecture” by Parmar VS

3. Theory of Architecture by Paul Alan Johnson

4. Creating Architectural Theory by John Lang

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023