18ARC37 Computer Applications in Architecture-I syllabus for BARCH

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 OUTLINE 0 hours


To develop and train students to use computers and digital media as tools to explore, develop, evaluate and present architectural ideas. To equip the student with a range of digital tools and techniques in 2D drafting, 3D modelling, and vector graphics.



1. Introduction to 2D drafting software: Using latest version of relevant CAD software:

a. 2D commands, viewports, dimensions, annotations. Time problem introduction; Classroom exercises such as measured drawing of studio (windows, doors and staircases included), architecture School (windows, doors and staircases included) etc.

b. Understanding layers, paper space Vs model space, line weights, print set up and Modelling of Walls, Doors, Windows, Stairs etc.

2. 2D drafting: Presentation of time problem; plan, sections, elevations of a floor of a single storied building of II / III semester architectural design studio project.

3. Introduction to 3D modelling: Latest version of relevant 3D modelling software – software interface, demonstration of 3D modelling commands required to convert 2D project (of 2D drafting) into 3D as a time-problem.

4. Simple 3D modelling: Presentation of time problem; drawing quickly with basic shapes in 3D, viewing models in 3D, adding detail to Models in 3D space, use of cameras, material applications. Presenting models.

5. Rendering & Visualization: Presentation of time problem, generating 3D Model and introduction to concepts of visualization using rendering engines such as VRay. Flamingo,3D studio Max, or any other appropriate software.

6. Introduction to concepts of Building Information Modelling (BIM) using REVIT or other relevant BIM software.

7. Introduction to graphics editing tools: a. Introduction to appropriate techniques to model walls, insert fenestration, curtain walls & staircases.

b. Lecture and Classroom exercise to convert into BIM project, relationship of other Industry standard file types (.dwg for AutoCAD or Trimble Sketchup input files or from any other relevant software.).

c. Lecture and Classroom exercise to further utilize rendering and visualization

8. a. Concepts of image scanning, image editing, effects and filters.

b. Classroom exercise to demonstrate use of Image editing for simple architecture design project projects. For e.g., rendering of 2D drawings, adding nature to 3D visualizations.

9. Graphics editing tools: – Presentation of any simple project to illustrate skills attained in 2D drafting, 3D modeling, graphics editing tool.

NOTE: A portfolio of exercises and assignments done in the class to be submitted for progressive marks.



1. Website and training material of relevant Image/Graphics editing software

2. Learning resources on Building Information Management (BIM).

3. Vast amount of CAD learning resources available on the Internet.

4. Vast amount of learning resources for Graphics editing tools available on the Internet.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023