17BTL37 Unit Operation Laboratory syllabus for BT

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Experiments 0 hours


A) Experiments based on principles of Fluid Mechanics & Mechanical Operations

1. Friction losses in circular pipes

2. Flow measurements using Venturi /Orifice/ Rotameter.

3. Centrifugal /Reciprocating pumps

4. Packed bed flow

5. Batch sedimentation.

6. Ball Mill

7. Cyclone separator

8. Leaf / Pressure filter

9. Screen analysis/effectiveness.


B) Experiments based on principles of Heat and Mass Transfer Operations

1. Natural convection in bare and finned tubes.

2. Heat transfer in packed bed.

3. Heat transfer through DPHE

4. Critical thickness of insulation.

5. Diffusion of organic solvent in air.

6. Simple Distillation.

7. Steam Distillation.

8. Single Stage Extraction.

9. Drying-Tray dryer.


Note: Minimum 12 experiments are to be conducted choosing at least 6 from sections A and B.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023