1. Study of divisional stages in Mitosis.
2. Study of divisional stages in Meiosis.
3. Study of Polytene and Lampbrush chromosomes using permanent slides.
4. Isolation and fusion of plant protoplasts.
5. Isolation of plasmid DNA from bacteria.
6. Isolation of genomic DNA (plant / microbial sources)
7. Agarose gel electrophoresis and quantification of nucleic acids (colorimetric, ethidium bromide dot blot and standard DNA marker)
8. Digestion and mapping of plasmid pUC18.
9. Competent cell preparations.
10. Transformation and selection of recombinants.
11. Study of conjugation in E.coli.
12. Amplification of DNA by PCR.
Course outcomes:
On the completion of this laboratory course, the students will be able:
Conduct of Practical Examination:
Reference Books:
1. Molecular Cell Biology by Darnell J Lodish& H Baltimore, Freeman Pub
2. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology by William H Elliot and Daphane C Elliot, Oxford University Press
3. Current protocols in molecular biology,edited by Frederick M. Ausubel et al., John Wiley& Sons
4. Methods in enzymology by Berger S.L. & Kimmel A.R., Vol.152, Academic Press.
5. Cellular & Biochemical Science by G. Tripathi, IK Intl.