Fluid definition and classification of fluids, types of fluids, Rheological behaviour of fluids & Newton’s Law of viscosity. Fluid statics-Pascal's law, Hydrostatic equilibrium, Barometric equation and pressure measurement(problems),Basic equations of fluid flow - Continuity equation, Euler’s equation and Bernoulli equation; Types of flow - laminar and turbulent; Reynolds experiment; Flow through circular and non-circular conduits - Hagen Poiseuille equation (no derivation). Flow through stagnant fluids – theory of Settling and Sedimentation – Equipment (cyclones, thickeners) Conceptual numericals.
Different types of flow measuring devices (Orifice meter, Venturimeter, Rotameter) with derivations, flow measurements –. Pumps – types of pumps (Centrifugal & Reciprocating pumps), Energy calculations and characteristics of pumps. Size reduction–characteristics of comminute products, sieve analysis, Properties and handling of particulate solids – characterization of solid particles, average particle size, screen analysis- Conceptual numericals of differential and cumulative analysis. Size reduction, crushing laws, working principle of ball mill. Filtration & types, filtration equipments (plate and frame, rotary drum). Conceptual numericals.
Modes of heat transfer; Conduction – steady state heat conduction through unilayer and multilayer walls, cylinders; Insulation, critical thickness of insulation. Convection- Forced and Natural convection, principles of heat transfer co-efficents, log mean temperature difference, individual and overall heat transfer co-efficients, fouling factor; Condensation – film wise and drop wise (no derivation). Heat transfer equipments – double pipe heat exchanger, shell and tube heat exchanger (with working principle and construction with applications). Conceptual numericals.
Diffusion-Fick’s law of diffusion. Types of diffusion. Steady state molecular diffusion in fluids at rest and laminar flow (stagnant / unidirection and bi direction). Measurement of diffusivity, Mass transfer coefficients and their correlations. Conceptual numerical.
Basic concepts of Liquid-liquid extraction – equilibrium, stage type extractors (belt extraction and basket extraction).Distillation – Methods of distillation, distillation of binary mixtures using McCabe Thiele method.Drying- drying operations, batch and continuous drying. Conceptual numerical.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
Question paper pattern:
1 Unit operations in Chemical Engineering Warren L. McCabe, Julian C. Smith & Peter Harriot McGraw-Hill Education (India) Edition 2014
2 Fluid Mechanics K L Kumar S Chand & Company Ltd 2008
3 Introduction to Chemical Engineering Badger W.I. and Banchero, J.T., Tata McGraw Hill New York 1997
Reference Books
1 Principles of Unit Operations Alan S Foust, L.A. Wenzel, C.W. Clump, L. Maus, and L.B. Anderson John Wiley & Sons 2nd edition 2008
2 Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, Vol I &II Chattopadhyaya Khanna Publishers, Delhi-6 1996
3 Heat Transfer J P Holman McGraw Hill International Ed