18BT34 Introduction to Biomolecules syllabus for BT

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Carbohydrates & Lipids 0 hours

Carbohydrates & Lipids:

Introduction, sources, classification into mono, oligo and polysaccharides. Classification of monosaccharaides, based on no. of C-atoms. Functional groups- aldoses and ketoses(stressing the difference between reducing and non-reducing sugars). Isomerism of Carbohydrates, Fischer projections, Haworth structures, pyranose and furanose structures, Anomers, Chair and boat conformations. Structure and properties of oligosaccharides and polysaccharides. Lipids: Introduction, sources, Nomenclature, Important saturated & unsaturated fatty acids. Properties & functions. Derived lipids: Phospholipids, glycolipids, Waxes, Steroids-Structure of steroid nucleus, Biological role of cholesterol

Module-2 Amino acid and Proteins 0 hours

Amino acid and Proteins:

Introduction, classification, optical isomerism, chemical properties, Acid –Base properties, polyionic nature, zwitter ions, pKa, pI .Peptide bond formation and properties.Composition and primary structures of proteins, Conformational analysis and forces that determine protein structures, geometries, phi, psi, omega angles, Ramachandran or steric contour diagram, allowed chi angles of side chains in proteins, hydrogen bonding, disulphide bonds, hydrophobic interactions, vanderwaals forces, , alpha helices, beta sheets, helix to coil transition, general features and thermodynamic aspects of protein folding, Relationship between the primary, secondary, and tertiary structure of proteins. Structure of fibrous proteins (structure of collagen, keratin). Quaternary structures - dimers, homo &hetero dimers, trimers, tetramers; Protein folds, structural families and classes, multifunctional domains.

Module-3 Nucleic acids 0 hours

Nucleic acids:

Structures of purine and pyrimidine bases, nucleosides, nucleotides, RNA and DNA (differences) forces and stabilizing geometries, glycosidic bond, rotational isomers. Stabilizing ordered forms of DNA (A, Band Z), base pairing types, base stacking, tertiary structure of DNA (Supercoiled DNA), Melting of the DNA double helix (Hyperchromicity), Interaction with small ions and small molecules. Ribose puckering and Types of RNA- mRNA, rRNA&tRNA (secondary & tertiary structure of tRNA.)

Module-4 Bioenergetics 0 hours


Energy, Energy flow cycle, energy conversion, Structure and properties of ATP, High energy compounds, Thermodynamic considerations, coupling reactions of ATP & NDP(Nucleotide diphosphate), Photosynthesis, light reactions, dark reaction, ancillary pigments, PS I & II.

Module-5 Biological membranes and Transport Mechanism 0 hours

Biological membranes and Transport Mechanism:

Biological membranes: structure, permeability, properties, passive transport and active transport, facilitated transport, energy requirement, mechanism of Na+ /K+, glucose and amino acid transport. Organization of transport activity in cell. Action Potentials. Role of transport in signal transduction processes.


Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

  • Present the foundational principles of macromolecular structure and function
  • Understand the principle of high energy molecules and Photosynthesis
  • Understand about biological membrane and transport mechanism across the cell membrane and analyse its regulation


Question paper pattern:

  • The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
  • Each full question will be for 20 marks.
  • There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
  • Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
  • The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.



1 Principles of Biochemistry Albert Lehninger CBS publishers 2nd edition 1993

2 Biophysical Chemistry Cantor R. and Schimmel P.R, W. H. Freeman and Company 1980

3 Principles of Structure & Function Fred M. Snell & Sidney Shulman AddsionWeslsey Longman Publishing Group 1967


Reference Books

1 Principles of protein structure G Schulz and R H Schrimer, Springer Verlag 1979

2 Principles of nucleic acid structure Sanger, Springer Verlag 1984

3 Biophysics – An Introduction Rodney Cotterill Wiley Student Edition 2003

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023