FLUID STATICS AND ITS APPLCATIONS:Concept of unit operations, Concept of momentum transfer, Nature of fluidsand pressure concept, variation of pressure with height – hydrostaticequilibrium, Barometric equation, Measurement of fluid pressure –manometers, Continuous gravity decanter, Centrifugal decanter.FLUID FLOW PHENOMENA:Type of fluids – shear stress and velocity gradient relation, Newtonian andnon- Newtonian fluids, Viscosity of gases and liquids. Types of flow – laminarand turbulent flow, Reynolds stress, Eddy viscosity. Flow in boundary layers,Reynolds number, and Boundary layer separation and wake formation.
BASIC EQUATIONS OF FLUID FLOW:Average velocity, Mass velocity, Continuity equation, Euler and Bernoulliequations Modified equations for real fluids with correction factors, Pumpwork in Bernoulli equation, Angular momentum equation.FLOW OF INCOMPRESSIBLE FLUIDS IN CONDUITS AND THINLAYERS:Laminar flow through circular and non-circular conduits, Hagen Poiseuilleequation, Laminar flow of non-Newtonian liquids. Turbulent flow
FLOW OF INCOMPRESSIBLE FLUIDS IN CONDUITS AND THINLAYERS :( Contd...)Friction factor chart, friction from changes in velocity or direction, Formfriction losses in Bernoulli equation, Flow of fluids in thin layersFLOW OF COMPRESSEBLE FLUIDS:Continuity equation, Concept of Mach number, Total energy balance,Velocity of sound, Ideal gas equations, Flow through variable-area conduits,Adiabatic frictional flow, Isothermal frictional flow (elementary treatmentonly).
Pipes, Fittings and valves, Measurement of fluid and gas flow rates by orifice,venturi & rotameters. Pitot tube. Elementary concept of target meter, vortexsheddingmeters, turbine meters, positive displacement meters, magneticmeters, coriolis meters and thermal meters, Flow through open channel-weirsand notches.
PUMPS:Performance and Characteristics of pumps-positive displacement andcentrifugal pumps, Fans, compressors, and blowers.DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS:Dimensional homogeneity, Rayleigh’s and Buckingham’s Π- methods,Significance of different dimensionless numbers, Elementary treatment ofsimilitude between model and prototype.