Particle shape, particle size, different ways of expression of particle size, shapefactor, sphericity, particle size analysis, screens – ideal and actual screens,Differential and cumulative size analysis, effectiveness of screen, Specific surfaceof a mixture of particles, Number of particles in a mixture, standard screens,Industrial screening equipment, Motion of screen, Grizzly, Gyratory screen,Vibrating screen, Trammels, sub sieve analysis - Air permeability
Introduction – types of forces used for comminution, Criteria for communition,Characteristics of comminuted products, Laws of size reduction, Work Index,Energy utilization, methods of operating crushers – Free crushing, chokefeeding, open circuit grinding, Closed circuit grinding, wet and dry grinding,Equipment for size reduction – Classification of size reduction equipment,equipment – Blake jaw crusher, Gyratory crusher, Smooth roll crusher, Toothedroll crusher, impactor, Attrition mill, Ball mill, Critical speed of ball mill, Ultra finegrinders, Fluid energy mill, colloid mill, Cutters – Knife cutter.
FLOW OF FLUID PAST IMMERSED BODIES:Fluidization, conditions for fluidization, Minimum fluidization velocity, Types offluidization, Applications of fluidization, Slurry Transport, Pneumatic conveying.MOTION OF PARTICLES THROUGH FLUIDS:Mechanics of particle motion, Equation for one dimensional motion of particlesthrough a fluid in gravitational and centrifugal field, Terminal velocity, Dragcoefficient, Motion of spherical particles in Stoke’s region, Newton’s region, andIntermediate region, Criterion for settling regime, Hindered settling,Modification of equation for hindered settling, Centrifugal separators, Cyclonesand Hydro cyclones.
SEDIMENTATION:Batch settling test, Application of batch settling test to design of acontinuous thickener, Coe and Clevenger theory, Kynch theory, thickenerdesign, Determination of thickener area.FILTRATION:Introduction, Classification of filtration, Cake filtration, Clarification, batchand continuous filtration, Pressure and vacuum filtration, Constant ratefiltration and cake filtration, Characteristics of filter media, Industrial filters,Sand filter, Filter press, Leaf filter, Rotary drum filter, Horizontal belt filter,Bag filter, Centrifugal filtration – Suspended batch centrifuge, Filter aids,Application of filter aids, Principles of cake filtration, Modification ofKozeny – Carmen for filtration.
AGITATION AND MIXING:Application of agitation, Agitation equipment, Types of impellers –Propellers, Paddles and Turbines, Flow patterns in agitated vessels,Prevention of swirling, Standard turbine design, Mixing of solids, Types ofmixers – Change can mixers, Muller mixers, Mixing index, Ribbon blender,Internal screw mixer, Tumbling mixer.SAMPLING, STORAGE AND CONVEYING OF SOLIDS:Sampling of solids, Storage of solids, Open and closed storage, Bulk and binstorage, Conveyors – Belt conveyers, Bucket conveyor, Screw conveyor.MISCELLANEOUS SEPARATION:Magnetic separation, Electrostatic separation, Jigging, Heavy mediaseparation, Froth floatation process, Floatation cells, Typical floatationcircuits, Size enlargement – Flocculation, Briquetting, Granulation (onlyprinciple and equipment).