15CH36 Technical Chemistry [F.C] syllabus for CH

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 BONDING: Atomic and Molecular orbital theory 10 hours

Theory of bonding, Types of Bonds, Hydrogen bond with discussion oninteraction between two atoms such as exchange of electron, screen effect ofelectrons, ionic character of H-OH bond. Anti Bonding, Band Theory of metalsTheory of Resonance, Structural stability, structure of carbonate ion andbenzene, Importance of resonance compounds


Colligative properties - meaning and types, Lowering of vapor pressure -Raoult’s law - statement, limitation, Determination of molecular weight bylowering of vapor pressure. Problems, Ostwald’s and Walker’s method,Elevation in boiling point of a solvent – derivation, Experimentaldetermination of molecular weight by ebullioscopy method, problems,Isotonic solutions - abnormal molecular weight. Osmosis and osmoticpressure – explanation of the terms, effect of temperature and concentrationand simultaneous effect of both, Determination of molecular weight,Berkeley and Hartley’s method.

Module-3 ISOMERISM 10 hours

Definition, Types Conformational isomerism in alkanes, free rotation aboutcarbon- carbon single bond, conformation of ethane, propane n, butane ,relative stability of different conformations. Optical isomers – Isomer number& tetrahedral carbon atom chirality, optical isomerism with one asymmetriccarbon atom, Polarimeter, Specific rotation, Enantiomerism R & SNomenclature. Geometrical isomerism – Definition, conditions forgeometrical isomerism, cis-trans & E-Z nomenclature, physical & chemicalproperties of geometrical isomerism

Werner’s theory, Nomenclature, effective atomic number, stability ofcomplex ions, factors affecting the stability, stereochemistry of co-ordinationcompounds. Isomerism of co-ordination compounds. Importance ofcoordination compounds.


Nomenclature Classification Structure, Preperation Properties & Reactionsof Heterocyclic, Anagues of Cyclopropane Cypclo butane CyclopentadieneHeterocyclic’s one or more hetero atoms Azetidenes Furans Pyratidine,Pyroles diazines Fused heterocyclics Heterocyclics in Dyes MedicinesNatural products

Module-5 REACTIONS & MECHANISMS: 10 hours

Concept of Steady states, reactive intermediates, Carbanions, Carbocations,Inductive and resonance effects. Mechanism of nucleophilic substitution (SN1and s2) in alkyl halides. Mechanism of elimination reactions (E1 and E2).Mechanism of electrophilic substitution in benzene, nitration, sulphonation,halogenation. Friedel-crafts alkyl and acylation reactions. Electronicinterpretation of orienting influence of substituents in aromatic electrophilicof toluene, chlorobenzene, phenol and nitrobenzene. Solvents effects

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023