Electrochemistry and Battery Technology
Electrochemistry: Introduction, Derivation of Nernst equation forelectrode potential. Reference electrodes: Introduction,construction, working and applications of calomel and Ag / AgClelectrodes. Measurement of electrode potential using calomelelectrode. Ion selective electrode: Introduction; Construction andworking of glass electrode, determination of pH using glasselectrode. Concentration cells: Electrolyte concentration cells,numerical problems.
Battery Technology: Introduction, classification - primary,secondary and reserve batteries. Characteristics - cell potential,current, capacity, electricity storage density, energy efficiency, cycle life and shelf life. Construction, working and applications of Zinc Air,Nickel- metal hydride batteries. Lithium batteries: Introduction,construction, working and applications of Li-MnO2 and Li-ionbatteries.
Fuel Cells: Introduction, difference between conventional cell andfuel cell, limitations & advantages. Construction, working &applications of methanol-oxygen fuel cell with H2SO4 electrolyte.
Corrosion and Metal Finishing:Corrosion: Introduction, electrochemical theory of corrosion,galvanic series. Factors affecting the rate of corrosion: ratio ofanodic to cathodic areas, nature of metal, nature of corrosionproduct, nature of medium – pH, conductivity, and temperature.Types of corrosion- Differential metal, differential aeration (Pittingand water line) and stress. Corrosion control: Inorganic coatingsAnodizingof Al and phosphating; Metal coatings-Galvanization andTinning. Cathodic protection (sacrificial anodic and impressedcurrent methods).
Metal Finishing: Introduction, Technological importance.Electroplating: Introduction, principles governing-Polarization,decomposition potential and overvoltage. Factors influencing thenature of electro deposit-current density, concentration of metal ion& electrolyte; pH, temperature & throwing power of plating bath;additives- brighteners, levellers, structure modifiers & wettingagents. Electroplating of Nickel (Watt’s Bath) andChromium(decorative and hard). Electro less plating: Introduction,distinction between electroplating and electro less plating, electroless plating of copper & manufacture of double sided PrintedCircuit Board with copper.
Fuels and Solar Energy:
Fuels: Introduction, classification, calorific value- gross andnet calorific values, determination of calorific value of fuel usingbomb calorimeter, numerical problems. Cracking: Introduction,fluidized catalytic cracking, synthesis of petrol by Fishcher-Tropschprocess, reformation of petrol, octane and cetane numbers.Gasoline and diesel knocking and their mechanism, anti knockingagents, power alcohol & biodiesel.
Solar Energy: Introduction, utilization and conversion,photovoltaic cells- construction and working. Design of PV cells:modules, panels & arrays. Advantages & disadvantages of PV cells.Production of solar grade silicon: Union carbide process,purification of silicon (zone refining), doping of silicon-diffusiontechnique (n&p types).
Introduction, types of polymerization:
addition and condensation,mechanism of polymerization- free radical mechanism taking vinylchloride as an example. Molecular weight of polymers: numberaverage and weight average, numerical problems. Glass transitiontemperature (Tg): Factors influencing Tg-Flexibility, inter molecularforces, molecular mass, branching & cross linking and stereoregularity. Significance of Tg. Structure property relationship:crystallinity, tensile strength, elasticity & chemical resistivity.Synthesis, properties and applications of PMMA (plexi glass),Polyurethane and polycarbonate. Elastomers: Introduction,synthesis, properties and applications of Silicone rubber.Adhesives: Introduction, synthesis, properties and applications ofepoxy resin. Polymer Composites: Introduction, synthesis,properties and applications of Kevlar. Conducting polymers:Introduction, mechanism of conduction in Poly aniline andapplications of conducting poly aniline.
Water Technology and Nanomaterials:
Water Technology: Introduction, boiler troubles withdisadvantages & prevention methods-scale and sludge formation,priming and foaming, boiler corrosion(due to dissolved O2, CO2 andMgCl2). Determination of DO, BOD and COD, numerical problemson COD. Sewage treatment: Primary, secondary (activated sludgemethod) and tertiary methods. Softening of water by ion exchangeprocess. Desalination of sea water by reverse osmosis & electrodialysis (ion selective).
Nano Materials: Introduction, properties (size dependent).Synthesis-bottom up approach (sol-gel, precipitation, gascondensation & chemical vapour condensation processes). Nanoscale materials- carbon nano tubes, nano wires, fullerenes,dendrimers, nano rods, & nano composites.