Introduction: Environment - Components of Environment Ecosystem: Types & Structure ofEcosystem, Balanced ecosystem Human Activities – Food, Shelter, And Economic & SocialSecurity.
Impacts of Agriculture & Housing Impacts of Industry, Mining & TransportationEnvironmental Impact Assessment, Sustainable Development.
Natural Resources, Water resources – Availability & Quality aspects, Water borne diseases &water induced diseases, Fluoride problem in drinking water Mineral resources, ForestWealth Material Cycles – Carbon Cycle, Nitrogen Cycle & Sulphur Cycle.
Energy – Different types of energy, Conventional sources & Non Conventional sources ofenergy Solar energy, Hydro electric energy, Wind Energy, Nuclear energy, Biomass &Biogas Fossil Fuels, Hydrogen as an alternative energy.
Environmental Pollution – Water Pollution, Noise pollution, Land Pollution, Public HealthAspects.
Global Environmental Issues: Population Growth, Urbanization, Land Management, Water& Waste Water Management.
Air Pollution & Automobile Pollution: Definition, Effects – Global Warming, Acid rain &Ozone layer depletion, controlling measures.
Solid Waste Management, E - Waste Management & Biomedical Waste Management -Sources, Characteristics & Disposal methods.
Introduction to GIS & Remote sensing, Applications of GIS & Remote Sensing inEnvironmental Engineering Practices.
Environmental Acts & Regulations, Role of government, Legal aspects, Role of NongovernmentalOrganizations (NGOs) , Environmental Education & Women Education.